[Abstract]:After the "September 18 incident" in 1931, the Japanese invaders occupied the northeast of China and established the "Manchukuo" government, and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia was also brought under the jurisdiction of the "Manchukuo". After the Japanese invaders established Manchukuo, they plundered the occupied areas and strengthened their colonial rule. They used the economic plunder to solve the problems of capital, resources and markets for the development of imperialist economy. What is more important is to realize its goal of "keeping the war by war" and lay a good economic foundation for the war of total aggression against China. The main content of this paper consists of five parts. The first part is about the establishment of Manchukuo, the administrative structure of Hing'an Nan, the Japanese aggressor's policy of economic control over Hing'an Nan and the college established in Hing'an Nan Province. The second part investigates and studies the Japanese aggressors' land grabbing in Hing'an Nan Province. The third part investigates and studies the plundering of agricultural economy by Japanese invaders. The fourth part investigates the Japanese aggressors' pillaging of the animal husbandry economy of Xingan Nan province. The fifth part, studies the Japanese invaders' opium poisoning policy to end the thesis.
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