[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 20th century, more and more attention has been paid to the transformation of Chinese rural society. It was founded in April, 1929, fifteen miles southeast of Suiyuan province's Saraqi county, donated by Yan Xishan. The purpose of sa county test site is to build new village, to reclaim wasteland and animal husbandry as the foundation, to take education as the way, and to develop family handicraft industry such as wool, textile and animal products processing according to local conditions, and finally to achieve the social purpose of "self-maintenance, self-defense and autonomy" From the beginning of 1929 to October 1937, in less than nine years, the test site has made great achievements in the construction of a wasteland village in the northwestern border, not only to solve the problem of food and clothing for the peasants and emigrants, but also to educate the children. Adults are also trained in both culture and body. At the same time, besides the daily work, the test site also attaches great importance to the villagers' cultural and recreational life, and specially builds the auditorium for the villagers' assembly, association and meeting. On the one hand, it makes the villagers' spiritual life more prosperous, on the other hand, it also reduces the bad habits such as gambling and smoking, which in turn promotes the basic work of the field. From this point of view, the new farm in sa county has become more than just a rural unit. It pays more attention to the improvement of social organization and social economy, and there are obvious traces of "village governance" in Shanxi. Perhaps it can be seen as a continuation of the Shanxi Village Governance Movement. In line with the trend of thought in northwest development, the new agricultural test site has emigrated and reclaimed wasteland, opened new villages, recommended animal husbandry and developed industries in the northwest region, which has not only realized the rural transformation in the northwest region, It is also of great significance for the transfer of strategic materials and the development of northwest China to preserve the foundation of resisting foreign aggression.
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