[Abstract]:After the liberation of Hangzhou on May 3, 1949, the Communist Party of China and the people's Government successively accepted and transformed the official and folk relief organizations of the former National Government, and changed the traditional multi-dimensional social relief model of the state, society, and individual families. Set up a new social relief system, and rely on the new relief system to carry out social relief. The Hangzhou Municipal Government provides relief to the unemployed, the homeless, the disaster and the elderly, the young, the disabled and the sick in a variety of ways, and has achieved good results. This paper is divided into three chapters, from the reconstruction of Hangzhou social relief system, the development of relief activities, the performance and problems of Hangzhou social relief in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China. This period of social relief in Hangzhou described and analyzed. Based on the investigation of the reform and relief practice of the social relief institutions in Hangzhou in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, this paper explains the changes and characteristics of the social relief system in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, and expounds its influence and existing problems.
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