发布时间:2018-10-23 17:39
【摘要】:自由和平等一直是聚讼难决的两个概念。英国历史学家阿克顿说:追求平等的热情,令我们对自由的希望化为泡影。这句话是耶,非耶?在二十世纪前半叶的中国,自由主义者们一直为这个问题争论不休。在对抗专制集权,争取言论自由方面,自由主义者们从来都是团结一致的。可是谈及自由与平等之间的关系为何,乃至于如何理解自由主义,就连自由主义的重要阵地——《观察》杂志的撰稿人都一直在辩驳和讨论,这个讨论直到1948年《观察》的停刊仍在继续。 吴恩裕是《观察》的撰稿人,他明确地表示,自由是重要的,因为自由推动了社会的发展和进步,但平等却是实现全民自由的基础。自由和平等不冲突,一方面固然要争取自由,另一方面也要促成平等,以为自由的基础。他反对阿克顿的观点,认为全民普遍获得自由是建筑在经济平等之上,必先取消经济上的不平等,才能实现全民的自由。而为了实现平等,必要先取消私有财产,然后施行计划经济,走向社会主义。而只有暴力手段才能达成这一目标。自由主义阵营内有许多人不同意吴恩裕的看法,有认为固然要实行社会主义,却不必采用计划经济;或认为要实行社会主义,也要采用计划经济,却不必用暴力手段。我们看到,虽然声音有多种,但在中国要实行社会主义这一点上,许多自由主义者却达成了一致。这并不奇怪,因为连自由主义的旗帜性人物胡适也曾对计划经济表示出强烈的好感。 我们便要探寻,何以中国的自由主义者会倾心于社会主义,进一步言,为了实现社会主义,自由主义者又如何接受了和平手段不可行这一突破自由主义底限的理念。包括储安平在内的许多自由主义者1949年选择留在大陆,,从此失去了生存的土壤,这是因误解而造成的悲剧,还是历史的必然。本文选取吴恩裕进行个案研究,就是因为吴恩裕作为留英政治学博士,在这一历史进程中的表现较具代表性。
[Abstract]:Freedom and equality have always been the two concepts of litigation. The British historian Acton said: the passion for equality has dashed our hopes for freedom. Is that a yes, no? In China in the first half of the twentieth century, liberals debated the issue. Liberals have always been United in fighting autocracy and freedom of speech. But when it comes to the relationship between freedom and equality, and even how liberalism is understood, even the authors of observation magazine have been arguing and discussing it. The discussion continued until 1948, when observation was suspended. Wu Enyu, a contributor to observation, made it clear that freedom is important because freedom promotes the development and progress of society, but equality is the basis for achieving freedom for all. Freedom and equality do not conflict. On the one hand, we must strive for freedom, on the other hand, we must promote equality as the basis of freedom. He opposed Acton's view that universal access to freedom for all is based on economic equality and must be eliminated before it can be achieved. In order to achieve equality, private property must be abolished, then planned economy to socialism. Only violent means can achieve this goal. Many people in the liberal camp disagreed with Wu Enyu, who thought that while socialism was to be practised, it was not necessary to adopt a planned economy; or to practise socialism, a planned economy was also needed, but no violent means were necessary. There are many voices, but many liberals agree on socialism in China. This is not surprising, because even the banner of liberalism Hu Shi has expressed a strong preference for the planned economy. We have to find out why Chinese liberals are inclined to socialism, and, in order to realize socialism, how liberals accept the idea that peaceful means are not feasible to break through liberalism. Many liberals, including Chu Anping, chose to stay on the mainland in 1949, and then lost the soil for survival. This was a tragedy caused by misunderstanding or a historical necessity. This paper chooses Wu Enyu as a case study, because Wu Enyu, as a doctor of political science in England, is representative in this historical process.
[Abstract]:Freedom and equality have always been the two concepts of litigation. The British historian Acton said: the passion for equality has dashed our hopes for freedom. Is that a yes, no? In China in the first half of the twentieth century, liberals debated the issue. Liberals have always been United in fighting autocracy and freedom of speech. But when it comes to the relationship between freedom and equality, and even how liberalism is understood, even the authors of observation magazine have been arguing and discussing it. The discussion continued until 1948, when observation was suspended. Wu Enyu, a contributor to observation, made it clear that freedom is important because freedom promotes the development and progress of society, but equality is the basis for achieving freedom for all. Freedom and equality do not conflict. On the one hand, we must strive for freedom, on the other hand, we must promote equality as the basis of freedom. He opposed Acton's view that universal access to freedom for all is based on economic equality and must be eliminated before it can be achieved. In order to achieve equality, private property must be abolished, then planned economy to socialism. Only violent means can achieve this goal. Many people in the liberal camp disagreed with Wu Enyu, who thought that while socialism was to be practised, it was not necessary to adopt a planned economy; or to practise socialism, a planned economy was also needed, but no violent means were necessary. There are many voices, but many liberals agree on socialism in China. This is not surprising, because even the banner of liberalism Hu Shi has expressed a strong preference for the planned economy. We have to find out why Chinese liberals are inclined to socialism, and, in order to realize socialism, how liberals accept the idea that peaceful means are not feasible to break through liberalism. Many liberals, including Chu Anping, chose to stay on the mainland in 1949, and then lost the soil for survival. This was a tragedy caused by misunderstanding or a historical necessity. This paper chooses Wu Enyu as a case study, because Wu Enyu, as a doctor of political science in England, is representative in this historical process.
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