
发布时间:2018-10-25 07:19
【摘要】:端方在清末新政期间显赫一时,于诸多事件中担当了重要角色。他曾出洋考察政治,归国后在权力场中渐渐变得炙手可热。1909年11月的革职事件使他由顶峰跌入谷底,,罢职乃是偶发事件之下,各方不自觉所形成的“合力”而造成的意外结果,并无预谋存在。 邮传部尚书盛宣怀在郑孝胥的影响下提出干路国有政策。清政府在收路一事上既不考虑各方民情,亦没有制定周密可行的实施办法。临事时又仓皇应付,加之所用非人,又异常固执,遂使风潮无法平息。端方被简充为督办川汉、粤汉铁路大臣,非其心所乐就,摆出一副应付心态,对铁路国有策随声附和,拜命以后逗留逡巡不敢遽进。先在京城会同邮传部制定收路政策和划分权限,在路事风潮渐起时,被朝廷逼催,不得不南下武昌,以乙栈为行辕,在退还商股政策已定的情况下,进行购料勘线、罗致人才、委定办事人员等事宜,在湖北、湖南两省的收路事宜上有其成效。 入川后,端方由起始迎合清廷的强硬态度,慢慢变为“抚策”。他与赵尔丰、岑春煊等大员的龃龉及内斗更使情形复杂。武昌起义爆发后,感觉处境微妙的鄂军中的革命党人杀掉端方“反正”。镇抚路事,解救川省危局,已出端方能力。他恋权太甚,一次次违心接受朝廷之令,终至身陨。
[Abstract]:Duanfang in the late Qing Dynasty during the New deal, played an important role in many events. He went abroad to study politics and gradually became hot in the field of power after returning to his country. The dismissal in November 1909 brought him from the top to the bottom, and his dismissal was an unexpected result of the "resultant force" formed by the parties unconsciously under the occasional events. There is no premeditated existence. The Ministry of Post Sheng Xuanhuai in the influence of Zheng Xiaoxu put forward a state-owned road policy. The Qing government neither considered the people's feelings nor worked out a detailed and feasible way to carry out the road closure. The rush, the inhumanity and the stubbornness made the storm unquenchable. The Duan side was impersonated as the supervision of Chuanghan, Guangdong-Han railway minister, not his heart is happy, put up a coping mentality, echo the railway state-owned policy, worship the order after staying back dare not advance. First of all, in Beijing, together with the Ministry of Postal Communications, it formulated a policy of road closure and divided its authority. When the tide of road affairs gradually began, it was forced by the court to push it down south to Wuchang, taking the second stack as the line. Under the condition that the policy of returning business shares had been determined, it was necessary to purchase the material survey lines and recruit qualified personnel. Appointment of staff and other matters in Hubei, Hunan Province on the road collection has its effectiveness. After entering Sichuan, Duan began to pander to the hard-line attitude of the Qing government and gradually changed into "caressing policy". His discord and infighting with Zhao Erfeng, Cen Chunxuan and others complicated the situation. After the Wuchang uprising broke out, it was felt that the delicate revolutionary party killed Duan. The town caresses the road matter, rescues the Sichuan Province crisis bureau, has produced the end side ability. He fell in love with power too much, again and again to accept the court's orders, eventually to the body.


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6 孙o




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