[Abstract]:The reform of the county administration in Anhui during the period of the National Government's rule had gone through the trial stage of local autonomy before the Anti-Japanese War, the stage of carrying out the "bandit suppression" system, the reform of the grass-roots administration of the New Guizi Department in the early period of the War of Resistance against Japan, and the implementation of the "new county system" in Anhui. There are four stages of history. Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, the reform of the county government in Anhui, as a province under the direct rule of the National Government, experienced the transition between the preparation of local autonomy and the implementation of the system of the Pao Jia system for the sake of fighting against the Red Army. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, Anhui was reduced to a war zone, and its original administrative organizations at the county level and below were unable to adapt to the needs of the War of Resistance because of the Japanese invasion and the shortcomings of the long-term system of "suppressing bandits". According to the experience of Guangxi, the policy of the national government and the reality of Anhui, the reform of the county administration in Anhui has been carried out in the aspects of organization setting, organization principle, personnel selection, execution of the decree, etc. In the 1940s, the National Government carried out the "new county system" in Anhui. Integration of autonomy in Baojia, while trying to restore local autonomy, on the one hand do not give up the system. Since the central "new county system" referred to the experience of Guangxi county government before the Anti-Japanese War, the reform in the two stages of the Anti-Japanese War had a tendency of deepening. In general, the county government reform in Anhui during the Anti-Japanese War changed to a certain extent the situation of poor control of grass-roots administration by the soil before the Anti-Japanese War, improved the people's livelihood, and enhanced the ability of the grassroots government to mobilize the masses to resist the war. The grass-roots public opinion organization and democratic system in Anhui Province have also been developed from scratch, which provides the material and spiritual guarantee for Anhui Provincial Government to persist in the Anti-Japanese War until the final victory under the unfavorable conditions of the enemy behind the enemy and the blockade of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese. However, due to various unfavorable factors, the reform failed to completely eliminate corruption and apportion. These phenomena showed a tendency of relapse and increasingly serious in the late stage of the War of Resistance against Japan, and the living conditions of the people were not fundamentally improved, and the exercise of democratic rights at the grass-roots level was often a mere formality.
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