[Abstract]:In June 1951, the Shanghai Federation of Trade unions called on both employers and employees to carry out a campaign of increasing production and saving and donating, thus contributing to the movement of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. With the help of trade unions and in accordance with their own interests, workers in private enterprises in Shanghai promoted capitalists to increase production and save donations, and set up or popularized the system of workers' excess bonuses. In 1953, when the system of excess bonus hindered the national tax and enterprise production accumulation, the union criticized the excess bonus of workers as "economism", and began to adjust or eliminate the excess bonus of workers. The change of trade union attitude and the anti-" economism "cause the workers' income to fall, cause the worker's dissatisfaction, the prestige of the trade union is also greatly damaged, this is the important background of the Shanghai labor tide in the spring and summer of 1957. The fundamental reason for the change in the attitude of trade unions is the fuzziness of their identity. In the early 1950s, state power went deep into the grassroots. Within the private sector, this task is undertaken by trade unions. On the one hand, trade unions should carry out state policies, which is determined by the basic nature of trade unions in New China. On the other hand, trade unions should safeguard the interests of workers, otherwise they will have no prestige among workers. But under the background of the industrialization policy of high accumulation and low consumption, the national will and workers' interests are not always consistent. Workers' calls to trade unions are not totally passive, but respond to their own interests. This often leads unions to encounter difficulties and embarrassment in mobilizing workers. The fuzziness of trade union identity also affects the trend of Chinese labor movement.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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