[Abstract]:This paper takes the group of foreign ministers in the late Qing Dynasty as the object of study. In the past, the research has focused on the introduction of biography, the statement of diplomatic events, the analysis of diplomatic thoughts and the isolation of their actions in the fields of political change, economic transformation, and communication of western studies. Lack of macro-inspection and comparative analysis of the common group and individual differences of envoys. By fully searching and studying the journals, travel notes, handbooks, letters, manuscripts, telegrams and other original materials left by the envoys, this paper has published diplomatic archives and previous research achievements in the Qing Dynasty in recent years. Using the method of combining group research with case study, this paper comprehensively examines the composition and evolution of the basic situation of this group, such as its geographical distribution, original title, age level, length of service, family origin, etc. From this perspective, the general characteristics of the envoys group and the differences in the different stages of diplomatic development in the Qing Dynasty were analyzed. This paper focuses on the evolution of the traditional enlightened gentry, the students of the new school, the personnel who returned from foreign countries, and the differences in the knowledge structure, the foreign affairs, the diplomatic experience, and so on, of the traditional enlightened gentry in the late Qing Dynasty. This paper analyzes the level of diplomatic literacy of envoys and its influence on foreign affairs work, and with the deep development of diplomacy in the Qing Dynasty, the new Chen Shan generation of envoys group, especially those who stay in foreign countries in western style education, come to the top. Turning to the main force of Qing government diplomacy, China's diplomatic modernization and diplomatic professionalization will be realized. Based on the above comprehensive research, this paper chooses typical cases, microcosmic analysis of geographical, professional, personal, opportunity and birth, experience and other factors on the diplomatic practice of different types of envoys and constraints, showing under the changing situation of the law of the jungle. The foreign ministers' diplomatic struggle to safeguard the national rights and interests and save the national peril, as well as the suffering and helplessness, then comprehensively reflect on the causes of diplomatic failure in the late Qing Dynasty, interpret the historical fate of the envoys, and evaluate the merits and wrongs of the envoys. In order to deepen the understanding of modern Chinese diplomacy.
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