
发布时间:2018-11-15 20:27
【摘要】:由于沙俄一贯坚持领土扩张,沙俄将扩张的目标指向中国的东北。鸦片战争之后,沙俄占领中国北部一百多万平方公里土地,侵略野心更加膨胀。19世纪末,沙俄对中国主要采取了所谓的“和平方式”来进行侵略,通过设立华俄道胜银行和修筑中东铁路来进行金融渗透,掠夺中国的资源和财富。 甲午战争之后,沙俄利用三国干涉还辽事件骗取了清政府的信任,设立了华俄道胜银行,并在东北设立许多分支机构。华俄道胜银行利用东北地方金融混乱,发行的羌贴逐渐控制北满金融,,并利用中东铁路向南满渗透。 华俄道胜银行通过发行的羌贴对东北进行金融渗透,掠夺东北民众财富,使商民困苦不堪。为制止羌贴对东北金融进行渗透,东北地方当局极力抵抗,开始铸造银元并发行银钱兑换券,可是由于国家主权沦丧,统治腐朽,滥发货币,最终导致东北地方当局在中俄货币冲突中失败。本文主要阐述中俄在东北发行的货币;沙俄对东北的金融渗透原因及方式;东北地方政府的金融抵抗措施;中俄货币冲突对东北政治经济的影响,尤其是对哈尔滨的影响。 货币自主是国家主权独立的象征之一,货币不独立势必导致经济崩溃,最终影响政治稳定。通过分析一百年前发生在东北地区的货币冲突,从而探究沙俄对东北进行金融渗透的种种方式,以及对东北带来的影响。以史为鉴,引起当代人深思与借鉴,正是本文写作目的。
[Abstract]:Since Czarist Russia has consistently insisted on territorial expansion, it aims at northeast China. After the Opium War, Czarist Russia occupied more than 1 million square kilometers of land in northern China, and its aggressive ambitions expanded. At the end of the 19th century, Czarist Russia mainly adopted a so-called "peaceful way" to invade China. China's resources and wealth were plundered through financial infiltration through the establishment of the China-Russia-Taosheng Bank and the construction of the Middle East Railway. After the Sino-Japanese War, Russia used the intervention of three countries to defraud the Qing government to trust it, set up the China Russia Daosheng Bank, and set up many branches in the Northeast. China Russia Daosheng Bank took advantage of the financial chaos in Northeast China and issued Qiang Pai to gradually control the North Manchu Finance and use the Middle East Railway to infiltrate the South Manchuria. China-Daosheng Bank through the issue of Qiang paste to the Northeast financial penetration, plundered the Northeast people's wealth, making merchants miserable. In order to stop Qiang Pai from infiltrating northeast finance, the northeast local authorities tried their best to resist, began to cast silver dollars and issue money exchange coupons. However, due to the loss of state sovereignty and the decadence of the rule, the Northeast issued money indiscriminately. Finally, the local authorities in Northeast China failed in the currency conflict between China and Russia. This paper mainly expounds the currency issued by China and Russia in the Northeast, the causes and ways of the financial infiltration of Russia to the Northeast, the financial resistance measures of the local government in the Northeast, and the influence of the currency conflict between China and Russia on the political economy of the Northeast, especially on Harbin. Monetary autonomy is one of the symbols of national sovereignty independence. Monetary independence will inevitably lead to economic collapse and ultimately affect political stability. By analyzing the currency conflicts that occurred in Northeast China a hundred years ago, this paper probes into the various ways of Russian financial infiltration into the Northeast and its influence on the Northeast. The purpose of this paper is to draw lessons from history and cause contemporary people to ponder and learn from it.


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