[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, a variety of natural disasters have occurred in Gansu Province. Especially in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the disaster was still very serious. However, under the superior socialist system, the provincial governments at all levels led the masses of the people to struggle against natural disasters, resulting in a relatively gradual reduction in the losses caused by disasters and the protection of the basic livelihood of the victims. Agricultural production has been restored and developed. Basically put an end to the old society, "there are disasters, there is famine" history. The first part of this paper gives an overview of the natural disasters in Gansu in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, mainly drought, hail, water, wind, frost and so on. The causes of natural disasters are analyzed in both natural and social aspects. The natural factors are mainly confined to the special geographical and climatic conditions in Gansu, and the social factors are mainly due to the lack of understanding of the importance of the natural environment and the special environment before the founding of the people's Republic of China, which led to the water conservancy disrepair. It aggravated the occurrence of disasters. The second part is mainly about the principle, policy, establishment and implementation of the rescue organization. This paper discusses the principles and policies of disaster relief in the early period of the founding of the people's Republic of China, and with the establishment of civil administration and special disaster relief organizations, the disaster relief work has been carried out effectively, which fully shows the importance of the leading organizations for disaster relief. The third part mainly discusses the natural disaster response measures of Gansu government, civil society and disaster victims themselves. The government mainly allocates relief grain, loans and stores, relief and relief of public grain and relief of the victims through the return of grain. Among them, the government adopted a series of measures to effectively solve the problem of blind flow of victims. Folk mainly carried out the campaign of saving donations and free borrowing, which effectively coordinated with the shortage of government relief. In addition to the government and non-governmental assistance, vigorously organize the masses to carry out sideline production, restore and develop agricultural production, relief for work and other effective self-help measures to smoothly tide over the famine. The fourth part discusses the problems and social significance of Gansu's disaster relief work in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, and summarizes its experience and lessons. It also provides reference for Gansu's disaster relief, disaster reduction and disaster prevention.
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