[Abstract]:Zhang Zhaofa died of injury during the Opium War's War of Dinghai, and should be regarded as a sacrifice for his country. However, he has long been regarded as guilty, without due courtesy and evaluation. Through reinterpretation of historical data and academic history, this paper holds that there are eight main "crimes" mentioned by Zhang Chaofa: "colluding with the enemy" is purely false, and "withdrawing guard" is not enough evidence to prove it. " "not making preparations in advance" and "not being able to manage things immediately" did exist, and he might have committed "corrupt acts", which more or less affected the fighting effectiveness and will of the Qing army. Further discussion is needed on the following three items: perverse admonition, runaway from formation and loss of city. Zhang's rejection of his subordinates' proposals is indeed a matter of choice, a matter of necessity, and his suggestions are based on the erroneous judgment that the British army cannot fight on land. Zhang was wounded in battle and died of death. Zhang bears some responsibility for the loss of Dinghai, but there are deeper reasons for the defeat of the Qing Army. From a technical and tactical point of view, in the Battle of Dinghai, the Qing and British forces knew their enemies, the number of troops, the quality of their soldiers, and their weapons and equipment. There is a huge gap in war methods and so on, the Qing army defeat has a certain historical inevitability.
【作者单位】: 中国华侨华人历史研究所;
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