[Abstract]:With regard to World War I and China, what was most discussed in the past was China's participation in the Paris Peace Conference, especially the performance of the members of the Chinese delegation at the Paris Peace Conference. 1 in recent years, some scholars have also paid attention to China's participation in the war. 2 however, The important issue of how China prepares to participate in the post-war peace conference has so far had few special studies. 3 in fact, the Beijing government has been preparing for participation in the peace conference very long ago and without interruption. And with the changes in the war situation and the international situation, there have been various solutions. These preparations reflected some characteristics of diplomacy at the beginning of the Republic of China and had a great influence on the trend of foreign relations in the Republic of China. This paper takes the diplomatic Archives of the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Research in Taipei as the basic historical materials, and regards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic envoys abroad as the main objects, and examines the Beijing government funding.
【作者单位】: 西北大学历史学院;复旦大学历史系;
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4 曹s,