[Abstract]:The establishment of the nation-state of China and Vietnam made the border people groups with historical origin living in the same region belong to different countries because of the clear division of the national boundary. The political, economic and cultural systems of the two countries have had a profound impact on the border people of the two countries, and they have formed different values, life styles and the sense of belonging to the country. However, the identity of the border people to their country is always linked to the specific and practical feelings of national interests, and it cannot be developed independently from the national context. This requires the government to fully consider the acquisition of the rights and interests of the frontier and the opportunities of traditional expression in the design of the national system.
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学历史文化学院;红河学院人文学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目“近代民族危机下的西南边疆开发及社会变迁研究(1885—1945)”(12CZS064) 2012年度教育部博士研究生学术新人奖资助项目
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