[Abstract]:The preparatory constitution of the late Qing Dynasty is not only the main content of the New deal period in the late Qing Dynasty, but also a great change in the history of China's political system. It is the first time in history that China has tried to pass a smooth and orderly reform of the political system. An attempt to end China's thousands of years of feudal despotism and establish a constitutional monarchy. In the process, returned students, especially those who stayed in Japan, were appointed to work in the Constitutional compilation and Inspection Hall of the Qing Dynasty, and participated in the most sensitive preparatory constitutional work of the New deal in the late Qing Dynasty. A variety of constitutional documents and important laws and regulations have been drawn up, such as the draft Constitution outline, the draft Constitution of the Qing Dynasty, and the Constitution outline of the Qing Dynasty, the draft Constitution of the Qing Dynasty, as well as the draft Constitution of the Advisory Bureau and the Superior Yuan, and the draft Constitution of the Cabinet system and the Bute House. Although due to various reasons, the final success of the preparation of the constitution failed, but its historical significance and the work of foreign students can not be simply, completely negated, today should scientifically summarize and reflect on this rare historical heritage.
【作者单位】: 中国与全球化智库;
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