
发布时间:2019-06-15 19:23
【摘要】:在西康的商业活动中,活跃着一批来自内地的他族商人,他们在西康的商人中占据着主导的地位。民国以来,英印等帝国主义开始插手边疆事物,而当时政府也因内战而无暇顾及,康藏地区战乱不断,社会危机丛生。而西康内地商人的发展并没有因此而停滞不前,在民国期间西康地区商业活动频繁,新新商业机构成立等等都给西康地区的发展带来勃勃生机。 本文主要分为导言、正文四章五部分: 导言部分主要阐述本文选题背景研究意义、前人对康区商业的研究以及本文的研究内容与结构。 正文分为五章:第一章是介绍康区商业发展的时代背景,主要是对康区的地理位置、地势情况,当时西康地区军事价值的提升,以及内地商人在康区发展的可行性等方面进行论证。 第二、三章是本论文的重点部分从内地商人的发展状况以及商人的实体来进行说明。本文从西康内地商人的发展、分类以及经营的内容、范围、贸易的方式等多方面对西康商人进行研究分析,来给出内地商人的一个整体的画面。 第四章是介绍内地商人商业活动的影响。主要讲到内地商人的商业活动在促进文化交流与民族团结上的贡献,以及在满足康区生活所需,加速康区资源开发,促进康区经济发展都起到了很大的作用,是汉藏之间的桥梁纽带,是康区经济发展的动力。 第五章是专门对西康地区的内地商人进行个案研究,也是本文的一个抽象的侧面总结。主要从当时独占鳌头的陕西商人、云南商人以及四川等其他内地商人的发展、经营特点、影响等方面进行论述研究。
[Abstract]:In Xikang's business activities, there is an active group of other businessmen from the mainland, they occupy a dominant position among Xikang businessmen. Since the Republic of China, imperialism such as Britain and India began to intervene in frontier affairs, and at that time the government had no time to take into account the civil war. However, the development of Xikang mainland businessmen did not stagnate as a result. During the period of the Republic of China, the frequent commercial activities in Xikang area, the establishment of new commercial organizations and so on brought vitality to the development of Xikang area. This paper is mainly divided into four chapters and five parts: the introduction mainly expounds the significance of the background research of this topic, the previous research on business in Kang District, as well as the research content and structure of this paper. The main body is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is to introduce the background of the commercial development of Kang District, mainly to demonstrate the geographical location and terrain of Kang District, the promotion of military value in Xikang area at that time, and the feasibility of the development of mainland businessmen in Kang District. Second, the third chapter is the key part of this paper from the development of mainland businessmen and the entity of businessmen to explain. This paper studies and analyzes Xikang businessmen from many aspects, such as the development, classification, management content, scope and trade mode of Xikang businessmen, so as to give an overall picture of mainland businessmen. The fourth chapter introduces the influence of the commercial activities of mainland businessmen. This paper mainly discusses the contribution of the commercial activities of mainland businessmen in promoting cultural exchange and national unity, as well as in meeting the needs of life in Kang District, speeding up the development of resources in Kang District and promoting the economic development of Kang District. It is the bridge link between Han and Tibet and the driving force of economic development in Kang District. The fifth chapter is a case study of mainland businessmen in Xikang area, which is also an abstract summary of this paper. This paper mainly discusses and studies the development, management characteristics and influence of Shaanxi businessmen, Yunnan businessmen and other mainland businessmen, such as Sichuan and so on.


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