
发布时间:2019-06-22 15:23
【摘要】:军事演习的产生是近代西方军事变革过程中军队编制、武器及战术训练等日益完善的必然结果。近代以来,受西方军事冲击之影响,晚清陆军经历了军事技术到军事制度的变革。清末十年新政之军制改革成效最著,清政府铸造之新式陆军为清末陆军军事训练革新提供了新载体。会操是清末新军军事训练的高级阶段,实为中国陆军军事演习之滥觞。目前学界对新军会操这一课题研究尚处于薄弱环节,本文以清末新军会操为研究对象,试图从制度史、现代化等多视角动态考察晚清军事转型语境下新军会操之内涵与外延。 17世纪至19世纪末,西方军事变革浪潮催生了军事演习并使之制度化;同时期,中国旧式陆军在西学东渐背景下经历了军事技术到军事制度的缓慢变革。甲午战前,八旗、绿营或防、练军武器装备西化并未引发军事训练的实质变革。甲午战后,新建陆军、自强军及湖北护军等新式军队试练成军,其内部机制的现代化特征彰显了军事训练革新之必要,袁世凯、张之洞开始将军事对抗演习引入新军军事训练实践过程。清末新式陆军普练,从广度和深度上推动中国陆军早期现代化进程。清政府效仿西方、日本陆军军事演习筹办新军会操,北洋六镇及奉天、江苏等省新军陆续开展训练性会操或校阅性会操,使之成为新军军事训练的高级阶段。清末新军大会操发轫于河间会操(1905年),继之筹办彰德会操(1906年),这是集校阅性和训练性为一体的大型诸兵种军事演习。1907—-1911年间,除太湖秋操(1908年)、永平秋操(1911年)因爆发革命中断外,其余三年停办大会操。大会操筹备、实施过程中形塑而成新军大会操制度。中央练兵处(后为陆军部、军谘府)和地方督练公所是筹办大会操的军事领导机构。大会操筹备阶段,练兵处(后为陆军部、军谘府)负责新军编制、颁发大会操条令、设立大会操导演机构等;会同督练公所勘测和规划操地、动员新军等。大会操实施阶段,阅兵处是新军会操的总导演机构,阅兵大臣全权负责大会操事宜;新军大会操实施程序包括诸兵种会操和阅兵式两部分。 清末新军会操体现了中国陆军现代化进程的一个截面,需要从多个角度综合考察。新军会操呈现出晚清军事转型期的多样化特征。新军大会操是高度综合的大型军事演习,受制于清末财政、政治及革命因素而一度中辍。新军会操作为军事训练的新举措和新思路,提升和改善了新军建设成就。新军大会操制度奠定了中国陆军军事演习之基,影响深远。
[Abstract]:The development of the military exercises is the inevitable result of the development of the army, the weapon and the tactics training in the course of modern western military reform. Since the modern times, the Army of the late Qing Dynasty experienced the change of the military technology to the military system. The reform of the military system in the last ten years of the late Qing Dynasty is the most effective, and the new army of the Qing government has provided a new carrier for the reform of the army military training in the late Qing Dynasty. It is the high stage of the military training of the new army in the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it is the platitude of the military exercises of the Chinese army. At present, the research of the new army's operation of the new army is still in the weak link. This paper attempts to study the connotation and the extension of the new army's operation in the context of the military transformation in the late Qing Dynasty from the view of system history, modernization and so on. At the end of the 17th and the end of the 19th century, the wave of western military reform has led to the military exercises and the institutionalization of the military exercises. In the same period, the old-style army of China experienced the gradual change of the military technology to the military system in the background of the west. No change in military training is caused by the westernization of the eight-flag, the green camp or the defense-and-training-in-the-military equipment before the day of the Sino-Japanese War. The modern characteristics of the internal mechanism of the new army, the army of the new army, the army of self-improvement and the armed forces of Hubei are the necessary for the reform of military training. Yuan Shikai, Zhang Zhidong, began to introduce the military confrontation exercise into the military training of the new army. Cheng, the new army of the late Qing Dynasty, promoted the early modernization of the Chinese Army from the breadth and depth The Qing government will follow the western and Japanese army exercises to prepare the new army's meeting, and the new army in the six towns of Beiyang and Fengtian, Jiangsu and other provinces will carry out the training exercises or the reading performance to make it a higher order of the military training of the new army. In that end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the year, the Cao Cao Cao Cao (in 1905), followed by the preparation of the Cao Cao Cao Cao (1906), was a large-scale military exercise in which the school and the train were integrated. During the period of 1907-1911, in addition to the fall of the Taihu Lake (1908), the autumn operation of Yongping (1911) was interrupted by the outbreak of the revolution. In addition, the rest of the three-year suspension of the General Assembly Cao Cao, in the preparation and implementation of the operation, was made up of the new army of the new army. Degree. The Central Military Training Service (hereinafter referred to as the Army Department, the Military Office) and the local supervision and training office are the military leaders for the preparation of the operation and operation. In the preparatory phase of the operation, the training service (hereinafter referred to as the Army Department and the Military Administrative Department) is responsible for the preparation of the new army, the issuance of the operation order, the establishment of the operation director, and the like; and in conjunction with the supervision and practice of the survey and planning, the new army shall be mobilized. At the stage of the operation, the military parade is the general director of the new army, and the minister of the military parade is solely responsible for the operation of the army. The implementation procedure of the new army is composed of the soldiers and the military parade. In that end of the end of the end of the end of the end of the Qing dynasty, the operation of the new army embody a section of the modernization process of the Chinese army. On the basis of the investigation, the new army will present various kinds of military transformation in the late Qing Dynasty. The new army is a highly integrated large-scale military exercise, which is subject to the financial, political and revolutionary factors at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The new army will operate as new measures and new ideas for military training, improve and improve the construction of the new army Let's set up achievements. The new system of the new army laid the foundation and shadow of the Chinese army's military exercises.


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