[Abstract]:In 1981, the Local Chronicle of China was founded. In order to review the 30 years since the publication of the Local Records of China, especially the difficult years at the beginning of the publication, and to sum up the valuable experience in the work of the Journal of Chinese Local Records, on September 18, 2012, The editorial office of the Chinese Local Chronicle held an interview forum at the beginning and end of the publication of the Chinese Local Chronicle in Beijing. Special interviews with Fu Nanghua, former editorial member of the Chinese Local Chronicle, former academic member of the Chinese Local Chronicle Association, ou Yangfa, former editorial member of the Chinese Local Chronicle, former Deputy Secretary-General of the China Local Chronicle Association, and academic member. The former Deputy Secretary-General and Director of the Office of the Chinese Local Chronicle steering Group, former Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Local Chronicle Kong Linshi, and four veteran comrades of the former Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Local Chronicle, Zhuge, have comprehensively reviewed the founding history of the Journal of the Chinese Local Chronicle. The four old comrades also put forward valuable suggestions on strengthening the theoretical research of local chronicles and the construction of famous academic journals. This article specially publishes this interview as a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the publication of the Local Chronicle of China.
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