本文关键词: 清代 山西会馆 慈善 出处:《西北师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:明清时期晋商是国内重要商帮之一,由于其实力雄厚,活动区域广泛,活跃时间久而居中国商帮之首。在晋商较为集中的工商业城镇,他们都建立了自己的商业会馆,作为联络本籍商人的办事机构。会馆在晋商发展史上发挥了重要的作用。作为一种地缘性的组织,会馆以“敬神庥,联乡谊、办善举”为宗旨,而本文研究的是山西会馆的慈善功能。会馆慈善事业是民间慈善事业中的一部分。山西会馆通过举办各种慈善活动来联络乡人,促进同籍人事业的发展。 全文分六部分。第一部分是全文的绪论部分,首先对山西会馆和慈善事业的定义做了界定,然后对当前学术界的研究进行回顾和述评,,并在此基础上提出本文的选题目的、意义和研究方法。 第一章介绍了山西会馆的概况,介绍其产生、发展的状况、分布和特点。山西会馆兴起于明代中后期,而在清代蓬勃发展。与山西商人足迹遍天下相适应,山西会馆遍布全国各地。山西会馆具有明显的地域性和行业性的特点,而且都建有戏楼,并把关公作为供奉的主神,所以山西会馆又叫“关帝庙”。 第二、三、四章是全文的核心部分,探讨了清代山西会馆慈善事业兴盛的原因,内容、管理运行的情况、特点及作用。由于受到传统慈善思想、政府倡导、商品经济发展、人口快速增长的压力和会馆成员自身利益的驱动等因素的影响,山西会馆慈善事业呈现出兴盛的局面。购置义地、病老救济、失业救助、助学济困是其慈善活动的主要内容。山西会馆有严格的资金和组织管理制度,其慈善活动具有排他性,要得到地方政府的保护和支持,还受社会环境的制约。山西会馆通过开展慈善活动,在纯正民风、稳定社会秩序和增加会馆凝聚力等方面发挥了积极的作用,但也存在一些局限性。 第六部分是全文的结语部分,对全文进行了简要的总结,指出要公正地评价山西会馆的慈善事业。
[Abstract]:During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Shanxi merchants were one of the most important commercial groups in China. Because of their strong strength, wide range of activities, and long active time, Shanxi merchants occupied the first place in China. In the industrial and commercial cities and towns where Shanxi merchants were relatively concentrated, they all established their own commercial associations. As a liaison agency for local businessmen, the guild hall played an important role in the history of Shanxi merchants' development. As a kind of geographical organization, it aims at "worshiping the gods, associating with the countryside and doing good deeds". This paper studies the charity function of Shanxi Guild Hall, which is a part of folk charity. Shanxi Guild Guild connects with the villagers by holding various charitable activities to promote the development of the cause of the same people. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction part of the full text. First, the definition of Shanxi Guild Hall and charity is defined, then the current academic research is reviewed and reviewed, and the purpose of this paper is put forward. Significance and research methods. The first chapter introduces the general situation of Shanxi Guild Hall, introduces its emergence, development status, distribution and characteristics. Shanxi Guild Hall rose in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and flourished in Qing Dynasty. Shanxi guild hall is spread all over the country. Shanxi guild hall has the characteristic of region and industry, and it has opera building, and takes Guan Gong as the main god of worship, so Shanxi guild hall is also called "Guan Di Temple". The second, third, and fourth chapters are the core parts of the full text. It discusses the causes, contents, management operation, characteristics and functions of the charitable undertakings of Shanxi Guild Hall in the Qing Dynasty. Because of the traditional charitable thoughts, government advocacy, and the development of the commodity economy, Influenced by the pressure of rapid population growth and the driving force of the members' own interests, the charity undertaking of Shanxi Guild has taken on a prosperous situation. Aiding students and helping poor students is the main content of their charitable activities. The Shanxi Guild Hall has a strict financial and organizational management system, and its charitable activities are exclusive and should be protected and supported by local governments. The Shanxi guild hall has played a positive role in the aspects of pure folk style, stabilizing the social order and increasing the cohesion of the guild hall, but it also has some limitations. Part 6th is the conclusion of the full text. It summarizes the whole text briefly and points out that the charity of Shanxi Guild Hall should be evaluated fairly.
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