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发布时间:2018-03-02 15:35

  本文选题:夔州路 切入点:军事对比 出处:《重庆师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:公元13世纪中后期,中国历史上发生的南宋抗蒙(元)战争是汉民族政权为抵御蒙古游牧贵族野蛮入侵所进行的一场民族正义战争。在这场战争中,地处巴蜀的南宋夔州路因重要的战略位置,充当了极其显要的角色。 夔州路用于抗蒙(元)的军队主要由屯驻大军、禁厢军、新军、乡兵四大部分组成,各军虽实力不一、地位迥异,但皆能发挥自身应有的贡献。蒙元政权用于入侵夔州路的军队数量、军事机构设置在不同时期因统治者关注重心、用兵策略不同,差异亦较大,总体实力长时期内相较宋军占据优势。夔州路军民在抗蒙(元)战事中基本以防御战为主,但也不乏在特定情形下的主动反击。他们通过艰苦卓越的抵抗,多次挫败蒙古自长江上游而下征服南宋的图谋,堪称南宋抵御蒙古的西南巨屏。 夔州路较之南宋其他路份的抗战,具有鲜明的特点及意义,从中涌现出大批杰出的爱国将领和众多可歌可泣的动人事迹,声誉远较他路为盛。它拥有南宋最杰出的山城防御战;拥有南宋最特殊的夔楚联防体系;是南宋抗蒙(元)整体持续时间最久、斗志最坚决的路份;是南宋遭受抗蒙(元)形势最险峻的路份;是南宋抗蒙(元)战术最为丰富的路份。它通过一域的抵抗保护了南宋川东地区的先进农耕文明,使其免遭蒙古的野蛮蹂躏;体现出南宋军民最坚贞的民族气节,进而鼓舞了全国的抗战热情;极大推迟了南宋过早被征服的命运,延长了宋祚;其抗蒙战术的灵活运用又对南宋旧的战略体制模式形成巨大冲击,促其向良性方向转变;最终迫使蒙古统治者改变征服策略,为元初川东经济的恢复创造了条件。 夔州路虽然是南宋抗蒙(元)最为杰出的路份,但因南宋朝廷的腐败无能,仅凭其一域的抵御最终不能力挽狂澜,还是归于失败。元代宋已是历史大势所趋,结束割据战乱、实现统一已成为历史的主流,夔州路自不能逆潮流而动,但其军民英勇抗战的事迹、不畏强暴的浩然正气仍足以名垂青史、传颂千古。
[Abstract]:Late in thirteenth Century, Chinese occurred in the history of Southern Song Dynasty Mongolian (yuan) war is the Han nationality regime to resist the brutal invasion of Mongolia nomadic aristocracy of a nation just war. In this war, the strategic position is located in the Southern Song Dynasty Kuizhou road Sichuan important, as a very prominent role.
Kuizhou road for anti Mongolia (yuan) the army consists mainly of army cantonment, ban Xiang force, the new army, composed of four troops, and although the strength of a different position, but can play its due contribution. The Yuan Regime for the number of invasion of Kuizhou road army, military institutions set up in different periods because the rulers of the focus, use different strategies, the difference is larger, the overall strength of a long period of time compared to the song advantage. Kuizhou road in Mongolia (yuan) and anti war basic to the defense, but also there is no lack of initiative in certain circumstances. Through their hard resistance, repeatedly thwarted Mongolia from the Yangtze River the upper and under the conquest of the Southern Song Dynasty plot, called the Southern Song Dynasty against the southwest giant screen in Mongolia.
The road is a road in the Southern Song Dynasty other war Kuizhou, has distinctive characteristics and significance, the emergence of a large number of outstanding patriotic generals and many touching stories capable of evoking praises and tears in reputation than he Sheng Road. It has the most outstanding defensive mountain in Southern Song Dynasty; Southern Song Dynasty has the most special defense system is Kui Chu; Southern Song Dynasty Mongolian (yuan) the overall duration of the longest, the most resolute fight road; is the Southern Song Dynasty suffered against Mongolia (yuan) the situation of the most dangerous road; is the Southern Song Dynasty Mongolian (yuan) tactics most abundant. The road through a domain of protection against South Song Dynasty in the advanced farming area civilization, from the Mongolia Southern Song Dynasty and reflects the brutal oppression; the most steadfast national integrity, and inspired the enthusiasm of resistance; greatly delayed the Southern Song Dynasty early conquered fate, extended the song Jo; its anti Mongolia tactics and flexible use of the old system of strategic mode in Southern Song Dynasty The style formed a huge impact and promoted it to a positive direction, and finally forced the Mongolia rulers to change the conquest strategy and created conditions for the recovery of the east economy in the Yuan Dynasty.
Kuizhou road although the Southern Song Dynasty Mongolian (yuan) the most outstanding way, but because of the corruption and incompetence of the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court, only one domain cannot resist eventually failed to turn the tide, or the Yuan Dynasty. Song Dynasty is a history over separatist war, represent the general trend, realize the unity of history has become the mainstream of Kuizhou road from not against the tide, but the army heroic deeds of war, fear of violence, Hao Ran is still healthy enough to fame, famous through the ages.



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