发布时间:2018-03-02 16:44
本文选题:晚明 切入点:祁彪佳 出处:《华东师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 晚明时期,是研究明清易代的重点之一;晚明吏治问题,是明之所以亡的重要原因。晚明吏治,无疑是腐败的,但究竟如何腐败?晚明官场中,各色官员是怎样的一种生存状态?生存其中的晚明高级官员——祁彪佳,是很好的人物媒介。笔者希望通过祁彪佳的所见所闻以及亲身经历,反映出晚明官场的真实形态,探讨晚明吏治的弊端无法改革和拯救的深层原因。 1627年,崇祯即位,诛杀阉党,整顿朝纲,试图建立中兴之治,终究失败。崇祯时期,是明之最末,崇祯比之先辈,已算是“励精图治”,虽不能让明中兴,却也不该成为亡国之君。晚明吏治,该是如何败坏,才致非亡国之君亡国也?诚然,吏治问题只是原因之一,虽是之一却是举足轻重,无论经济还是军事等各类事务,皆需官员打理,官员的作风与治绩对于一个王朝整个体制的有效运作影响深远。因此,本文主要借助于祁彪佳亲身经历与亲自处理的两个案件,对此一时期的吏治情形进行阐述。 祁彪佳经历的明末最后一场大型政治斗争——癸未之争,是良臣与权臣的对抗,是言官与皇帝的对峙,是阁臣与皇帝的角逐。在这场政治斗争中,可以窥见权臣如何弄权,官僚之间如何倾轧,皇帝如何多疑,最终导致明朝一直以来的积弊越发严重,明朝逐渐走上了穷途末路。而祁彪佳经手的兄弟阋墙案,从审案官员的处理手段,可以窥见官员的失职作为、无能作为。一为亲身经历,一为经手案件,相信通过祁彪佳所留下的私人材料和官方文书,能够真实反映出晚明官场的混乱与无序。 通过两个个案的研究和分析,可以发现官员中存在几个不同群体——权臣、良臣和尸位素餐者,这三个群体并不是明末所独独存在的,但是这三个群体之间的倾轧与斗争的激烈程度与普遍化,却是明末所独有的。笔者在两个个案研究和分析的基础之上,进一步通过祁彪佳年谱之中所反映出的此类现象将官员的个性特征扩展为晚明官场上官员的普遍性特征。从特殊性到普遍性,印证的是晚明吏治的腐败和灰暗。或许崇祯本可以凭借自身的才能和勤勉进行挽救,然而因崇祯对官员的普遍不信任并由此导致其用人不端,却只是恶化了政治体制中的种种弊端。由此,官场之上风气败坏,官员本身积习难除,体制的弊端又日益严重,晚明吏治陷入的是一条走不出去的死胡同。
[Abstract]:In the late Ming Dynasty, it was one of the key points to study the change of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the problem of official administration in the late Ming Dynasty was an important reason for the death of the Ming Dynasty. In the late Ming Dynasty, there was no doubt that the official administration was corrupt, but how was it corrupt? In the late Ming Dynasty, what kind of official is a living state? The senior official of the late Ming Dynasty, Qi Yujia, is a very good character medium. The author hopes that through what he sees and hears and through his own experience, he can reflect the true form of the official field in the late Ming Dynasty. This paper probes into the deep reasons why the malpractice of official administration in the late Ming Dynasty could not be reformed and saved. In 1627, Chongzhen ascended the throne, killed the castrated party, rectified the regime of the dynasty, and failed in the end. Chongzhen period was the last of the Ming Dynasty, and Chongzhen was more than the forerunner of the Ming Dynasty, so it was already regarded as "good governance", although it could not be allowed to allow the Ming Dynasty to be ZTE. In the late Ming Dynasty, how did the official rule be corrupted to the ruler who was not the subjugation of the country? To be sure, the problem of official administration is only one of the reasons, although one of the reasons is that it is very important. No matter economic or military affairs, all kinds of affairs need to be managed by officials. The style and achievements of officials have far-reaching influence on the effective operation of the whole system of a dynasty. This article, with the help of Qi Pu-jia 's personal experience and the two cases handled in person, expounds the situation of official administration in this period. The last major political struggle experienced by Qi Pu-jia in the late Ming Dynasty was the confrontation between good officials and imperial officials, the confrontation between speech officials and emperors, and the contest between cabinet ministers and emperors. In this political struggle, one can see how the ministers of power exercise power. How the bureaucrats ran over each other and how suspicious the emperor was, eventually led to more and more bad practices in the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty gradually went to the end of the road. And Qi Pu-jia 's brother quarrelling case, from the means of handling the case of the ad litem officers, It is believed that the private materials and official documents left by Qi Pu Jia can truly reflect the chaos and disorder of the late Ming Dynasty. Through the study and analysis of two cases, we can find that there are several different groups among the officials-Quan Chen, Liang Chen and the dead person. These three groups do not exist alone in the late Ming Dynasty. However, the intensity and universality of these three groups' strife and struggle are unique in the end of Ming Dynasty. On the basis of two case studies and analyses, Further through the phenomenon reflected in Qi's chronology, the personality characteristics of officials were expanded to the general characteristics of officials in the late Ming Dynasty, from particularity to universality. Perhaps Chongzhen could have been saved by his own talent and diligence, but because of his general distrust of officials and the resulting misuse of personnel, But it only worsens the malpractice in the political system. As a result, the atmosphere above the official field is bad, the officials themselves accumulate habits, and the malpractice of the system is becoming more and more serious, and the official administration of the late Ming Dynasty is caught in a dead end that cannot go out.
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