发布时间:2018-03-11 10:27
本文选题:明代 切入点:官员 出处:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:致仕制度源于商周,经过不断的演变发展,到明代时,致仕制度已经成为明代政治体系里不可或缺的重要组成部分。它对实现官僚集团内部的新陈代谢,调和统治阶层内部的矛盾起到了重要作用。致仕制度发展到明代已经日趋完备,明代在沿袭前代致仕制度的基础之上,又有所损益,形成了独具特色的明代致仕制度。 明代致仕制度在沿袭宋元致仕制度的基础上,多有损益。明代致仕制度的创立、发展、完善的过程也是明代政治制度从创立走向成熟这一过程的缩影。明代官员致仕的原因多种多样,或是因为年龄、健康等原因主动致仕,或是因为办事能力、不受皇帝信任等原因被勒令致仕。明代给予致仕官员的待遇包括政治待遇和经济待遇两类,其中以荣誉性待遇为主。政治待遇包括加官致仕、冠带致仕、参与朝政和恩荫子孙等等,经济待遇包括给予金银赏赐、月米拨夫和减免赋役等等。明代官员在致仕后,由于受到个人兴趣爱好、家庭背景、地域风俗等多方面的影响,他们在致仕后的生活也是千姿百态,丰富多彩的。不仅有丰富多彩的个人娱乐生活,包括著书立说、耕读自乐、追求个人享受等等;同时也或多或少的参与地方事务,,包括发展地方教育、往来各地讲学,帮助官府出谋划策、横行乡里等等。 明代致仕制度的施行有利于增强政府的工作效率,促进官僚机构的新陈代谢。同时致仕制度也存在着一些缺陷,如久仕不退、已退复仕、经济待遇低等等。明代致仕制度为现代退休制度提供了宝贵的经验和教训。
[Abstract]:The official system originated from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. By the time of its continuous development, it had become an indispensable and important part of the political system of the Ming Dynasty. The system of making official official developed to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty, on the basis of inheriting the system of acting for the official before the Ming Dynasty, had some gains and losses, and formed the unique system of the official system of the Ming Dynasty. On the basis of following the Song and Yuan official system, the Ming Dynasty official system has many gains and losses. The establishment and development of the Ming Dynasty official system. The process of perfection is also a microcosm of the process in which the political system of the Ming Dynasty was established and matured. There were various reasons for the official appointment in the Ming Dynasty, either because of age, health, etc., or because of their ability to handle affairs. The treatment given to officials in the Ming Dynasty included two categories: political treatment and economic treatment, of which honor treatment was the main treatment. Political treatment included the addition of officials and the crown and belt. He participated in the government and the descendants of Enyin, and so on. The economic treatment included giving a reward to gold and silver, monthly rice payment and reduction of duty, and so on. After returning to the office, the officials of the Ming Dynasty were influenced by their personal interests, family background, regional customs, and so on. Their life after their official appointment is also varied and colorful. They not only have a rich and colorful personal entertainment life, including writing books, reading and enjoying themselves, pursuing personal enjoyment, and so on; at the same time, they also participate more or less in local affairs. Including the development of local education, lectures, to help the government planning, across the countryside and so on. The implementation of the official system in the Ming Dynasty was conducive to enhancing the efficiency of the government and promoting the metabolism of the bureaucracy. Low economic treatment and so on. The Ming Dynasty to the official system for the modern retirement system to provide valuable experience and lessons.
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