发布时间:2018-06-26 22:35
本文选题:宋文 + 庆历党争 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:北宋士大夫的碑志文创作不单单是为了标识墓圹或歌功颂德,而且产生了文体新变,有了明显的史传特点。考察北宋党争中的党人碑志,可以从与诗赋等不同角度出发挖掘党争中党人们的心态,了解特殊政治环境下碑志的书写特色,能够更加清楚地认识北宋党争。 该论文在广泛阅读众多北宋党人碑志以及其他相关文献材料的基础上,对北宋党争对党人碑志撰写的影响以及特殊政治环境下党人碑志的书写特色进行了较为深入而系统的考察,以期在一定程度上推进北宋党争与碑志的相关研究。 本文主要由导论、正文和结语三个部分组成。主要内容如下: 第一部分是导论。导论部分对本文研究基础、研究意义及思路进行简单介绍,并对本文相关概念进行界定。 第二部分是正文,由四章组成: 第一章对现存北宋碑志文进行统计,并考察北宋碑志文在择人、取材、传写、刊印等方面的惯例,同时概述北宋士大夫碑志创作主张,比较了唐宋碑志书写方式的不同,从总体上对北宋士大夫撰写碑志之惯例进行了考察。 第二章从党人碑志来看,归纳出庆历党争时期,碑志中表现得最为频繁的言事主题主要有四个:一是元昊叛边,二是侬智高叛乱,三是废后之争,四是庆历新政。尤其以元昊叛边和侬智高叛乱为主。而在新旧党争时期,碑志中体现出的最为频繁的言事主题就是王安石新法。这些言事主题,基本构成了北宋党争时期碑志中的主要言事内容,同时也是北宋党争时期党人争论的焦点。党人碑志的撰者在庆历党争和新旧党争时期的心态有相同之处,都有着实录与避祸的矛盾心理。同时,新旧党争中后期的党人碑志比庆历党争期间的党人碑志多了几分意气之争。关于碑志的撰写,作为一个政治同盟,党派内部人员去世之后,碑志的撰写大都由自己内部人员撰写。庆历党争中,范仲淹一派的党人碑志中,墓主和撰者在政治关系中处于同一方,即作为范党的主要成员,在他们去世后,碑志基本都由自己人来写。但是吕夷简等吕党的核心成员去世后的碑志并不是由他们内部的核心人员撰写,这一点与范党大相径庭。另外,范党这一派党人在碑志中常常以受害者的口吻撰写碑志,表现自己忠而被谤,透射出范党为是、吕党为非的政治观点。关于碑志中党人的分野情况,从现存庆历党争时期的党人碑志来看两党的分野,可以明晰地看清范党一派的主要参与人员,而无法通过碑志洞察吕党一派的主要参与人员。但是若与以后的新旧党争相比较,从党人碑志看庆历党争中官员分野是相对清楚的,而之后的新旧党争规模更大、参与人数更多,官员的分野更为复杂。另外,本章还考察了党人碑志中的非政治关系与党争、党争中的武臣与内臣等相关问题。 第三章主要考察党争中党人碑志撰写在内容取材及笔法上的特色。党人碑志中,涉及党争的敏感因素记载主要是事件和人物,关于事件和人物的记叙,撰者在内容和笔法方面采取了相应的策略。由于政治生态环境的特殊,党争中士人撰写碑志的心态与平时不同,在特殊的语境之中,碑志的撰写出现了在内容及笔法上与一般碑志不同的特殊现象。总的来说,北宋党争压力所造成的特殊语境造就了推托请铭风气的加剧。党争环境下,碑志中的曲笔,是撰者为了在实录与避祸之间寻找平衡点所运用的一种书写方式。为了实现曲笔的目标,撰者就不得不利用一些修辞表达,以期在实录与避祸之间找到平衡点。比如,对相关敏感政治事件的记叙,撰者会有意进行删取,对相关人物的记叙,撰者常常用泛指代替特指。本章还从欧阳修、苏轼、王安石、司马光、范祖禹等人的党人碑志撰写出发,各自考察了他们所代表的党争中党人碑志的撰写习惯。总的来说,排除传统碑志撰写的固定模式和固有局限之外,考察整个北宋党争时期党人碑志普遍书写取材习惯及修辞策略与党争的关系,可以得出这样的结论,即党争的特殊压力确实给碑志的撰写带来了较大影响。 第四章从党争中碑志的传播出发,考察党争对碑志的传播所造成的影响。北宋党争发展到后期,出现了“崇宁党禁”,宋朝从人事组织到意识形态都出现了严酷的党禁,直到宋徽宗退位,长达二十多年之久的“崇宁党禁”影响了碑志的撰写与传播。请铭撰铭风气的盛行与衰落,禁碑与毁碑,碑志入石、结集时内容的删改等,都体现了党争对碑志的传播和解读产生了较大影响。 本文的最后一部分是结语,提出了党争中的党人碑志与正史笔法之间的相关研究问题,以期在之后进行进一步的研究。
[Abstract]:The inscriptions on the inscriptions on the inscriptions of the scholar bureaucrats in the Northern Song Dynasty are not only to identify the tombstone or the singing of praise and virtue, but also produce new changes in style and have obvious historical characteristics. Enough to make a clearer understanding of the party controversy in the Northern Song Dynasty.
On the basis of extensive reading of the inscriptions of the party in the Northern Song Dynasty and other related documents, this paper makes a thorough and systematic investigation on the influence of the party controversy on the writing of the party's epitaph in the Northern Song Dynasty and the writing characteristics of the party's epitaph in the special political environment, in order to promote the related research of the party controversy and the epitaph in the Northern Song Dynasty to a certain extent.
This article is mainly composed of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.
The first part is an introduction. The introductory part briefly introduces the research foundation, the research significance and the train of thought, and defines the relevant concepts.
The second part is the text, which is composed of four chapters.
The first chapter is the statistics of the inscriptions on the inscriptions in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the practice of the inscriptions on the inscriptions of the Northern Song Dynasty in the aspects of selecting people, taking materials, passing and writing, publishing and printing, and summarizing the ideas of the writing of the inscriptions on the inscriptions of the scholar officials in the Northern Song Dynasty, comparing the different ways of writing the inscriptions of the inscriptions of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and investigating the general practice of writing the inscriptions on the inscriptions of the scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty.
The second chapter, from the party's epitaph, summed up the period of the party in the Party of Qingli. There are four main themes of the most frequent expression in the epitaph: one is Yuan Hao's rebellion, the two is the rebellion of Nong Chicco, the three is the disputing of the waste, the four is the new deal of Qingli, especially the rebellion of Yuan Hao and the Nong Chicco rebellion. The frequent theme of the speech is the new law of Wang Anshi, which basically constitute the main words and contents of the epitaph in the period of the party contention in the Northern Song Dynasty, and also the focus of the debate on the party in the period of the party contention in the Northern Song Dynasty. At the same time, the epitaph of the party in the middle and late period of the new and old party contention was much more contended than the party's epitaph during the party's contention. As to the writing of the epitaph, as a political alliance, after the death of the members of the party, the writing of the epitaph was mostly written by his own internal personnel. In the party controversy of Qingli party, the epitaph of the Party of Fan Zhongyan I, the owner and the writer of the inscription On the same party in the political relationship, that is, as the main member of the fan party, after their death, the epitaph is basically written by their own people. But the epitaph after the death of the core members of LV Yi Jane and other LV party is not written by their inner core staff, which is quite different from the fan party. In addition, the fan party is often in the epitaph of the epitaph. Writing the epitaph with the victim's voice, showing that he is loyal and slander and transmitting the political views of the party is a non - political view of the party. On the separation of the party in the inscription on the epitaph, the division of the two parties from the party's epitaph of the extant period of the Party's party debate can clearly see the main participants of the fan party, but can not see the LV party through the epitaph. But if it is compared with the new and old party disputes in the future, it is relatively clear that the separation of officials from the party's inscription on the party is relatively clear, and the new and old party disputes are larger, the number of participants is more, and the division of the officials is more complex. In addition, this chapter also examines the non political relations and party disputes in the party's epitaph and the party dispute. Wu Chen and the internal minister and other related issues.
The third chapter mainly examines the characteristics of the writing and writing of the party's epitaph in the party's dispute. In the party's epitaph, the sensitive factors involved in the party's controversy are mainly events and characters, and the narration of the events and characters, the writer has taken the corresponding tactics in the content and the writing method. In the special context, the writing of the epitaph is different from the usual. In the special context, the writing of the epitaph is different from the general epitaph. In general, the special context caused by the pressure of the party controversy in the Northern Song Dynasty has created the intensification of the motto. A writing style used to find balance between disasters. In order to achieve the goal of a piece of writing, the writer has to use some rhetorical expressions to find a balance between the actual record and the avoidance of disaster. For example, the narration of the related sensitive political events will be deliberately deleted and the narration of the related characters is often replaced by a general reference. This chapter also begins with the writing of the inscriptions on the inscriptions of the Party of Ou Yangxiu, Su Shi, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Fan Zuyu and others, and examines the writing habits of the inscriptions on the party's epitaph in the party disputes they represent. In general, to exclude the fixed patterns and inherent limitations of the traditional inscriptions on the inscriptions and to examine the general writing of the party's epitaph in the period of the party controversy during the Northern Song Dynasty. The relationship between material habits and rhetorical strategies and party struggles can draw the conclusion that the special pressure of party struggles really has a great impact on the writing of inscriptions.
The fourth chapter, starting from the spread of the epitaph in the party dispute, inspects the influence of the party controversy on the spread of the epitaph. In the late period of the Northern Song Dynasty, the "party ban on the party" appeared in the late period of the party controversy in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty from the personnel organization to the ideology had been strictly forbidden until Song Huizong was abdicated, and the "Chong Ning party prohibition" for more than 20 years had influenced the epitaph. Writing and spreading, please write inscriptions on the prevalence and decline of the wind, the prohibition of monuments and monuments, stone inscriptions, and the deletion of the contents of the collection, which have reflected the great influence of the party controversy on the spread and interpretation of the epitaph.
The last part of this article is the conclusion. It puts forward the related research questions between the party's epitaph and the official history writing method in the party struggle, with a view to further study later.
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1 顾建军;司马光治道研究[D];中共中央党校;2013年