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发布时间:2018-08-24 10:44
【摘要】:唐宋时期在中国古代历史上属于一个特殊的阶段,唐宋两代各个方面的连续性明显大于变革。表现在学术发展上,乃由汉代的经学注疏经汉唐之际的过渡,到唐代的史学研究崛起。从这一角度来看,汉唐最大的差别在于学术研究重经学还是史学。唐代史学承隋前的余续,官修盛行,至宋代达到高峰。政治上,魏晋南北朝为门阀贵族政治,唐代为门阀贵族政治向君主专制的过渡期,宋代则完成了君主专制。经济上唐代为庄园制向小农经济的过渡期,宋代则确定了小农经济。 从社会学角度看,唐宋时期中原内地的少数族裔作为一个外来群体,与这里的华人有着本质的区别,这种区别不仅表现在外貌、服装和行为上,而且还深深的扎根于其内心深处,表现为思维方式和审美情趣的巨大差异。两者之间的关系,实质上是唐宋时期乃至整个中国古代史上内外地域冲突的外在表现之一。 这些外来人离开自己的族群,带着异域不同的文化背景进入中原,,对当时华人社会方方面面的影响不容忽视,如果抛开其在文化传播和交流中的作用不谈,仅凭这一点,就足以说明对其进行专门研究相当必要。本文在理论上利用社会学相关原理,借鉴司马光编《资治通鉴》所用的长编法梳理相关史料,从中原内地的视角,对唐宋时期中原少数族裔这一外来群体的基本构成进行历史社会学的研究。 正文分四章,加上序言构成全文的五个部分。其中第一部分序言为一章;第二部分为政界人士,第三部分为商界人士,第四部分为文化界人士,最后部分为其他各界人士。 序言分四节。第一节为选题的依据和意义,第二节简述研究现状,分析前人研究成果和存在的问题,第三节研究方法和目标。 正文按照职业身份对搜集的唐宋时期中原少数族裔的资料进行分类,通过政界人士、商界人士、文化界人士和其它各界人士等四个部分介绍这一部分人的群体构成及其在中原的事迹或行为,进而探讨这一特殊群体在唐宋演变过程中的地位及其对民族融合的影响。
[Abstract]:The Tang and Song dynasties belong to a special stage in the ancient history of China. The continuity of each aspect of the Tang and Song dynasties is obviously greater than the change. In academic development, it is from the transition between Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, to the rise of historical research in Tang Dynasty. From this point of view, the biggest difference between Han and Tang dynasties is that academic research emphasizes classics or historiography. Tang Dynasty historiography continued before the Sui Dynasty, official repair prevalence, to the Song Dynasty reached a peak. Politically, the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties were the aristocratic politics, the Tang Dynasty was the monarchy, and the Song Dynasty was the autocratic monarchy. Economically, the Tang Dynasty was the transition period from manor system to small-scale peasant economy, while the Song Dynasty determined the small-scale peasant economy. From a sociological point of view, the ethnic minorities of the Central Plains in the Tang and Song dynasties, as an alien group, are fundamentally different from the Chinese here. This distinction is not only manifested in appearance, clothing and behavior. But also deeply rooted in its heart, manifested in the way of thinking and aesthetic taste huge difference. The relationship between the two is essentially one of the external manifestations of internal and external regional conflicts in the Tang and Song dynasties and in the whole ancient history of China. These foreigners left their own ethnic groups and entered the Central Plains with different cultural backgrounds. The impact on all aspects of Chinese society at that time could not be ignored. If we put aside their role in cultural communication and exchange, we can only rely on this point. It is enough to show that its special research is quite necessary. Based on the theory of sociology and the long compiling method used by Si Maguang, this paper combs the relevant historical materials from the perspective of the interior of the Central Plains. This paper makes a historical sociological study on the basic composition of the ethnic minorities in the Central Plains during the Tang and Song dynasties. The text is divided into four chapters, plus the preface to constitute the full text of the five parts. The first part is a preface, the second part is a politician, the third part is a business person, the fourth part is a cultural personage, and the last part is a person from other circles. The preamble is divided into four sections. The first section is the basis and significance of the topic, the second section briefly describes the status of research, analysis of previous research results and existing problems, the third section of the research methods and objectives. According to their professional status, the text classifies the collected data on ethnic minorities in the Central Plains during the Tang and Song dynasties, through politicians and businessmen. Four parts, such as cultural personage and other people from all walks of life, introduce the composition of the group and their deeds or behaviors in the Central Plains, and then discuss the position of this special group in the evolution of the Tang and Song dynasties and its influence on the national integration.


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