发布时间:2018-10-10 11:18
【摘要】:铁是世界上重要的金属之一,铁的应用标志着人类文明发展到一个新的高度。恩格斯曾经在《家庭、私有制和国家起源》中指出“铁已在为人类服务,它是在历史上起过革命作用的各种原料中最后的和最重要的一种原料”。铁是人类生产生活的重要原料,关系着国计民生。中国古代对铁的认识和运用都是处在世界的领先水平,到了清朝铁业有了很大的发展。我国铁矿储量丰富,矿产分布在全国各地,其中广东佛山的铁业最为发达。清前期由于政治经济的原因,出现了“禁”与“弛”摇摆必定的矿业政策,“禁”中有“弛”,“弛”中有“禁”。不管铁业政策如何改变,清政府都是要对铁业进行严格的管理和控制,这在一定程度上限制了铁业的发展和进一步提高。清前期在矿业勘探方面比前代有所提高,但是在冶铁关键技术方面,如在燃料、冶铁炉构造方面毫无创新,与前代的技术水平相当,没有进一步的提高,但是在铁厂规模和产铁量方面已经超过明代。在清朝的严格控制下,商品经济虽然有所发展,但是没有产生资本主义萌芽。 本文主要分以下部分对清前期的铁业做一个相关的论述。 引言部分主要概括了本文的研究内容和研究现状,并对相关文献做了一个研究综述。 第一部分论述了清前期的铁业分布。 第二部分论述了清前期的铁业政策。 第三部分论述了清前期对铁的开采和冶炼。 第四部分论述了清前期铁业的发展状况 第五部分是结论,主要是对本文的一些总结
[Abstract]:Iron is one of the most important metals in the world. The application of iron marks the development of human civilization to a new height. Engels once pointed out in Family, Private ownership and the Origin of the State that "Iron has served mankind, and it is the last and most important of the various raw materials that have played a revolutionary role in history". Iron is an important raw material for human production and life, which is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. The understanding and application of iron in ancient China were in the leading level in the world, and the iron industry developed greatly in Qing Dynasty. China is rich in iron ore reserves and minerals are distributed all over the country, among which Foshan iron industry in Guangdong is the most developed. In the early Qing Dynasty, due to political and economic reasons, there appeared a certain mining policy of "ban" and "relaxation", in which there were "relaxation" and "relaxation". No matter how the iron industry policy changes, the Qing government must carry on the strict management and the control to the iron industry, which has restricted the iron industry development and the further enhancement to a certain extent. In the early Qing Dynasty, the mining exploration was improved, but in the key technologies of iron smelting, such as fuel and furnace structure, there was no innovation, which was comparable to the previous generation and had no further improvement. But in the iron plant size and iron production has exceeded the Ming Dynasty. Under the strict control of the Qing Dynasty, although the commodity economy developed somewhat, it did not produce the germination of capitalism. This article is divided into the following parts of the early Qing iron industry to do a related discussion. The introduction mainly summarizes the research content and the present situation of this paper, and makes a research summary to the related literature. The first part discusses the distribution of iron industry in the early Qing Dynasty. The second part discusses the iron industry policy in the early Qing Dynasty. The third part discusses the iron mining and smelting in the early Qing Dynasty. The fourth part discusses the development of iron industry in the early Qing Dynasty. The fifth part is the conclusion, mainly the summary of this paper.
[Abstract]:Iron is one of the most important metals in the world. The application of iron marks the development of human civilization to a new height. Engels once pointed out in Family, Private ownership and the Origin of the State that "Iron has served mankind, and it is the last and most important of the various raw materials that have played a revolutionary role in history". Iron is an important raw material for human production and life, which is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. The understanding and application of iron in ancient China were in the leading level in the world, and the iron industry developed greatly in Qing Dynasty. China is rich in iron ore reserves and minerals are distributed all over the country, among which Foshan iron industry in Guangdong is the most developed. In the early Qing Dynasty, due to political and economic reasons, there appeared a certain mining policy of "ban" and "relaxation", in which there were "relaxation" and "relaxation". No matter how the iron industry policy changes, the Qing government must carry on the strict management and the control to the iron industry, which has restricted the iron industry development and the further enhancement to a certain extent. In the early Qing Dynasty, the mining exploration was improved, but in the key technologies of iron smelting, such as fuel and furnace structure, there was no innovation, which was comparable to the previous generation and had no further improvement. But in the iron plant size and iron production has exceeded the Ming Dynasty. Under the strict control of the Qing Dynasty, although the commodity economy developed somewhat, it did not produce the germination of capitalism. This article is divided into the following parts of the early Qing iron industry to do a related discussion. The introduction mainly summarizes the research content and the present situation of this paper, and makes a research summary to the related literature. The first part discusses the distribution of iron industry in the early Qing Dynasty. The second part discusses the iron industry policy in the early Qing Dynasty. The third part discusses the iron mining and smelting in the early Qing Dynasty. The fourth part discusses the development of iron industry in the early Qing Dynasty. The fifth part is the conclusion, mainly the summary of this paper.
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