发布时间:2018-10-12 18:32
【摘要】:李曾伯为钦宗靖康时丞相李邦彦之孙,是典型的忧国忧民的封建士大夫形象。他不仅军事才能为人称道,在政治文学上也有所建树,为南宋后期之名臣、重将、词人,被誉为“天才卓绝为一代伟人”。 身于官宦之家,他的祖辈、父辈均在朝为官。其父曾在蜀地担任军职,对其影响较大,特别是对其后来的军政生涯帮助尤多。他以幕府起家,由著作愞两分漕节,七开大阃,通兵事,所至皆有实绩,后官至观文殿学士。他主要在理宗朝为官,政绩也是在理宗朝取得的。理宗敢于将边防大交给他,并且多次任命其为边防重臣,听取他对边防的建议,,接受他的谏言。 面对蒙古的进攻,李曾伯镇守两淮、经理京湖和四川、严防湖南与广西,在这些国防关键地区为国守边多年,“数犯危机,屡当兵革之抢攘,幸免疆事之疏败”以军功获得升迁。理宗因其军功卓越,宝yP二年(1254年),诏赐曾伯同进士出身。他深知职责所在,殚精竭虑为宋王朝分忧,屡次直言进谏。由于其本人主要担任军职,所言之事多与军政有关,提出过设置游击水军、修建沟洫的建议、解决北军叛乱等办法。特别是在应对蒙古对宋的“斡腹”之谋时,李曾伯屡次向朝廷提出自己的建议:未雨绸缪,备藩篱;慎重处理与安南的关系;是否袭击大理等见解。这些建议无不是真知灼见。 在担任制置使任责一方时,他以文臣统领重兵,文韬武略,布防用兵,处处都有章法成效,颇有军事天才。在筑城方面,李曾伯是一位筑城高手,所到之处都注意城池的浚筑,“凡淮襄领蜀之变更,皆城郭封疆之重寄”。其中,收复经理襄阳城为其官宦生涯的闪光之处。经济上,他从设置榷场、整理槠币、推广屯田、劝农务耕等方面进行了整顿并取得了一定的成效。选材上,他有自己的选材观,对于当时战争中涌现出来的文武之才,李曾伯能够做到选贤任能,集思广益。军政方面,李曾伯结合防御战争的需要,还在官僚机构制度调整及奖惩措施方面作了必要的改进。在特定的历史时期,李曾伯以务实的态度处理军务,结合自己的实践,通过对历史知识的学习借鉴,形成了自己的军事战略思想。大致说来,李曾伯的军事战略谋略有以下几个方面:积极防御主张;边防主张;儒而治兵。在抗蒙卫国的过程中,形成了上述战略思想,并赋诸实施,取得了预期的效果,这是值得肯定的。 本文拟对李曾伯的家世和仕途,从政一生的业绩以及军事思想作以简单概述,以对李曾伯有更全面的了解。
[Abstract]:Li Zengbo was the grandson of Li Bangyan, prime minister of Qin Zongkang. He was not only praised for his military ability, but also made great achievements in political literature. He was a famous minister and general in the late Southern Song Dynasty, and he was praised as "a generation of great men of genius". In the official family, his ancestors, parents are in the court. His father held a military post in Shuti, especially for his later military career. He began with the shogunate, from the works of the two-minute Caojie, seven large families, military affairs, all the actual achievements, later officials to the Temple of Guan Wen Bachelor. He was mainly an official in the Rizong Dynasty, and his achievements were also achieved in the Lizong Dynasty. Ryzong dared to hand over the frontier defense to him, and appointed him a heavy minister to the frontier many times, listened to his advice to the frontier, and accepted his advice. In the face of the Mongolian attack, Li Zengbo guarded the Lianghuai River, the managers of Jinghu and Sichuan, and strictly guarded Hunan and Guangxi for many years in these key areas of national defense. To survive the defeat of Xinjiang, "with military merit to get promoted." Lizong because of its outstanding military performance, treasure yP two years (1254), Zhao gave Zeng Botong Jinshi origin. Aware of his duty, he worked hard to share the worries of the Song Dynasty and repeatedly spoke up. Since he himself is mainly in military service, most of the things mentioned are related to military and political affairs, and some suggestions have been put forward to set up guerrilla and water troops, build the canal and solve the insurrection of the Northern Army, and so on. In particular, in response to Mongolia's "wove" to the Song Dynasty, Li Zengbo repeatedly put forward his own suggestions to the court: making good plans ahead of time, preparing barriers, carefully handling relations with Annan, and whether or not to attack Dali, and so on. All these suggestions are insightful. When he served as an emissary, he took charge of military affairs. He used military prodigies and military prodigies. In terms of city building, Li Zengbo is a master of city building. Everywhere he goes, he pays attention to the dredging construction of the city. Among them, recover manager Xiangyang city for its official career flash. In economy, he rectified and achieved some results in setting up a discussion field, sorting out Castanopsis eyrei coins, popularizing open field, and persuading agricultural affairs to cultivate. In the selection of materials, he has his own view of talent selection. Li Zengbo was able to select talent and brainstorming for the emergence of civil and military talents in the war at that time. In military and political affairs, Li Zengbo made necessary improvements in the adjustment of bureaucracy system and the measures of rewards and punishments in combination with the need of defending war. In a specific historical period, Li Zengbo dealt with military affairs with a pragmatic attitude, combined with his own practice, and formed his own military strategic thought through the study and reference of historical knowledge. In general, Li Zengbo's military strategy has the following aspects: active defense claims; border defense claims; Confucianism and military administration. In the process of resisting Mongolia, the above strategic thought was formed and implemented, and the expected effect was obtained, which is worthy of recognition. This article intends to make a brief summary of Li Zengbo's family and career, his achievements in politics and his military thoughts, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of Li Zengbo.
[Abstract]:Li Zengbo was the grandson of Li Bangyan, prime minister of Qin Zongkang. He was not only praised for his military ability, but also made great achievements in political literature. He was a famous minister and general in the late Southern Song Dynasty, and he was praised as "a generation of great men of genius". In the official family, his ancestors, parents are in the court. His father held a military post in Shuti, especially for his later military career. He began with the shogunate, from the works of the two-minute Caojie, seven large families, military affairs, all the actual achievements, later officials to the Temple of Guan Wen Bachelor. He was mainly an official in the Rizong Dynasty, and his achievements were also achieved in the Lizong Dynasty. Ryzong dared to hand over the frontier defense to him, and appointed him a heavy minister to the frontier many times, listened to his advice to the frontier, and accepted his advice. In the face of the Mongolian attack, Li Zengbo guarded the Lianghuai River, the managers of Jinghu and Sichuan, and strictly guarded Hunan and Guangxi for many years in these key areas of national defense. To survive the defeat of Xinjiang, "with military merit to get promoted." Lizong because of its outstanding military performance, treasure yP two years (1254), Zhao gave Zeng Botong Jinshi origin. Aware of his duty, he worked hard to share the worries of the Song Dynasty and repeatedly spoke up. Since he himself is mainly in military service, most of the things mentioned are related to military and political affairs, and some suggestions have been put forward to set up guerrilla and water troops, build the canal and solve the insurrection of the Northern Army, and so on. In particular, in response to Mongolia's "wove" to the Song Dynasty, Li Zengbo repeatedly put forward his own suggestions to the court: making good plans ahead of time, preparing barriers, carefully handling relations with Annan, and whether or not to attack Dali, and so on. All these suggestions are insightful. When he served as an emissary, he took charge of military affairs. He used military prodigies and military prodigies. In terms of city building, Li Zengbo is a master of city building. Everywhere he goes, he pays attention to the dredging construction of the city. Among them, recover manager Xiangyang city for its official career flash. In economy, he rectified and achieved some results in setting up a discussion field, sorting out Castanopsis eyrei coins, popularizing open field, and persuading agricultural affairs to cultivate. In the selection of materials, he has his own view of talent selection. Li Zengbo was able to select talent and brainstorming for the emergence of civil and military talents in the war at that time. In military and political affairs, Li Zengbo made necessary improvements in the adjustment of bureaucracy system and the measures of rewards and punishments in combination with the need of defending war. In a specific historical period, Li Zengbo dealt with military affairs with a pragmatic attitude, combined with his own practice, and formed his own military strategic thought through the study and reference of historical knowledge. In general, Li Zengbo's military strategy has the following aspects: active defense claims; border defense claims; Confucianism and military administration. In the process of resisting Mongolia, the above strategic thought was formed and implemented, and the expected effect was obtained, which is worthy of recognition. This article intends to make a brief summary of Li Zengbo's family and career, his achievements in politics and his military thoughts, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of Li Zengbo.
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