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司马迁《史记》人学思想研究.pdf 全文免费在线阅读

发布时间:2017-01-18 16:23


司马迁<史记》人学思想研究摘要:在中国传统文化国学精品中,《史记》是无与伦比的“百科全书”,是民族文化的浓缩,有着取之不尽的思想源泉。《史记》的问世,对中国史学产生了巨大而又深远的影响,奠定了中国史学独立的基础,规范了中国几千年来的史学研究对象。《史记》之所以有如此大的魅力,除“百科全书”是根本原因外,它还有一个突出的特点:人学思想。《史记》无论是从体例的创新上还是从《史记》所记载的内容的选择上,以及对人物的评价上,都充分显示了《史记》的重人思想。在中国,对司马迁《史记》人学思想的相关研究是进入九十年代以后才开始的。学术界对司马迁《史记》人学思想研究还处于起步阶段。到目前为止,还没有一部有关《史记》人学思想的专著。关于《史记》入学思想的相关论述主要从史学角度、历史哲学角度、经济学角度以及文学角度展开对司马迁《史记》“天人关系"、“司马迁与儒道之间的关系”、“司马迁思想的渊源”等方面研究本文从人学内涵出发,以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,在前贤的研究成果基础上,以现代人学理论观照司马迁《史记》入学思想。重点研究《史记》的人性思想和人的价值思想。从《史记》人性思想出发,研究司马迁《史记》人的自然性与社会性是本文所要解决的重点问题。同时,人的价值又是人的社会性在人生过程中的体现,因此解决司马迁《史记》中人的价值思想,就成为本文所要解决的另一重点问题。作为《史记》众多思想特征的一个层面,司马迁《史记》人学思想具有一定的革新性、综合性和独创性,既体现了司马迁“通古今之变’’的阶段性和承继性特征,又融汇了司马迁“成一家之言”的深层的历史思考,具有着承前启后的开创意义。它一方面顺应了时代发展的潮流,完成了对人学理论的总结任务;另一方面随着时代的发展,它为当今社会处理人与人、人与集体的关系带来了宝贵的理论借鉴。关健词:司马迁;‘史记》;人性;人的价值;The research of Sima Qian Historical Records’human thoughtAbstract:The person’S problem is not only animportant problem ofthe bitter investigation by Chinese and Foreign scholars from timeimmemorialbut also all a little bit hot problem with contemporary social.Paying more attention to person’S thoughting has been Chinese tradition thespecial features of the culture.And it iS one of the special features ofHistorical Records.It is the 90’S that academic circles begin to study the Historical Recordshuman thought.This paper studies Sima Qian¨Historical Records¨fromview of the definition of human thought.Back in the pre—Qin period,theancient Chinese thinkers had begun on the exploration and have madesignificant achievements.on the ession of human nature on the basis ofthinking of Pre—Qin thinkers,Sima Qian explained human nature from thesurvival of individuals and groups.Firs thuman is a natural human existence.1ike other species,has the natural survival.It is for the benefit of theconcentrated expression of the human natural.At the same time,for thebenefit is also performance of the social of human.This action iS not likeother animals act but the humanity as a conscious collective.The natural andsocial antagonism is not absolute.The relation between this two sides iSpromoting and restrainting.The nature of the people is the premise andfoundation to the social.The social guidance in the development of thenatural.From the social starting Sima Qian investigate the value of thehuman beings,he said that Character,credit,the book are mainly the value ofthe human beings.On parison of contemporary thinkers,Sima Qian’S nHistoricalRecords"has a certain idea of innovative.integrated and originality.SimaQian’thought embodies respect for the individual personality and affirms thevalue of Self life.it is the budding of independent of Personality and freedomof thought.This iS the essence of our national character and it iS hope thatthe vitality of the Chinese nation.Today Sima Qian’S’’Historical Records”human thought will build an important theoretical date for¨people-oriented”and harmoniOUS society.Key words:Sima Qian;Historical Recor







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