发布时间:2018-01-10 18:31
本文关键词:顾准政党政治思想初探 出处:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:顾准(1915-1974)是中国近现代著名经济学家、历史学家、思想家,1927年在中华职业学校辍学后到立信会计事务所工作。仅有初中学历的他,一边工作一边自学,出版多种著作,24岁那年同时被上海之江大学、沪江大学及圣约翰大学聘为教授。1931年九·一八事变爆发后,参与发起爱国组织——立信同学会、进社。上海沦陷后前往苏南抗日根据地工作。新中国成立后任上海市首任财税局长,1957年和1965年两次被划为右派。曾入中国社会科学院经济研究所工作,出任中国资源综合考察委员会常务副主任等职,著作颇丰。 顾准民主思想体系庞大,博大精深,学界多有论及。但以“社会主义两党制”为代表的政党政治思想,却鲜有人研究。 两党制是西方资本主义国家中,由两个势均力敌的政党通过竞选取得议会多数席位,或者赢得总统选举而轮流执政的政治制度。顾准提出在社会主义条件下实行两党制,据笔者所知,在中国尚无先例。 社会主义两党制思想的提出,以一党制无民主可言为前提。顾准认为,为使人民的意志得到尊重,防止个人权力的膨胀,实现民主,避免独裁,两党制是唯一可行之法。有别于西方建立在资本主义所有制基础上的两党制,顾准的两党制建立在社会主义公有制基础之上,这是两者的截然不同点。 有学者认为,顾准的社会主义两党制,既主张民主政治,又坚持消灭私有制,存在着明显的逻辑断裂。还有学者指出,顾准一方面主张两党政制,另一方面又不反对社会主义公有制,很难理解是由衷之言抑或专制环境下不自觉的政治表达。有的学者甚至断言,顾准只在口头上赞成社会主义,实际上赞成的是资本主义制度下的两党制,其真实意图是让那些包办选举的资产阶级政客上台,由他们“轮流坐庄”以取代共产党执政。 本文通过分析认为,顾准并非以“社会主义”为幌子推行西方资本主义两党制思想,而是真心实意地主张在保留社会主义公有制的前提下,在中国实现两党轮流执政以保证民主。 在“文革”那样的年代,顾准敢于提出社会主义两党制这样新颖且极具敏感性的思想,与其早年的生活环境,爱国精神的激励以及苦难中坚持探索的精神有关。 顾准并非一开始就主张在中国实行社会主义两党制,而是有一个思想变化的过程。“文革”前他坚信党内民主,政治上主张新权威主义,“文革”后他改变了先前的主张,认为一党制下不可能实现民主,两党制才是实现民主的唯一途径。究其原因,主要是由于国内外环境剧变带来的思想冲击。另外,顾准对西方多元主义文化的钟爱以及他本人作为有不幸遭遇的爱国知识分子,渴望自己的意见能够为执政者所倾听,也是顾准发生思想转变的原因。 从政治和民众思想两个层面通盘比较中西文化,顾准认为西方的多元主义文化,没有垄断一切的政治权威;而中国盛行大一统文化,存在较难逾越的政治权威。只有实行两党制,让被执政者听到批判的声音,才能实现民主,其深厚的思想渊源值得肯定。但顾准未能充分展开阐述其社会主义两党制思想,这与当时他所处的政治、生活环境密不可分。 进而言之,顾准认为一党制必然演化为独裁,有失偏颇。新中国成立后,执政的中国共产党推行的民主集中制、多党合作制,使民众得以影响国家大政方针,便是说明。而顾准未能全面认识西方两党制下的非民主因素,将其照搬到中国是不可取的。 尽管如此,从历史及道德的层面看,站在“文革”的背景下而言,顾准的社会主义两党制思想虽矫枉过正,但仍有某种积极意义,且其背后蕴含着顾准的拳拳爱国之心和崇高道德品质,是中国现代史上珍贵的思想遗产。但从学理上评判顾准的社会主义两党制思想,便可发现其有失有得,失大于得。 归纳来说,顾准是社会主义公有制下两党制的首倡者,是前辈学者思考社会主义民主问题的代表。顾准的思想是随着国内外环境而变化的,探讨其正误得失,应采取非静止的动态研究方法,全面、辩证地看待问题。无论是“文革”前提倡新权威主义,还是“文革”后主张实行社会主义两党制,均出自顾准企盼中国走向富强的美好愿望,是一种爱国主义归趋。
[Abstract]:Gu ( 1915 - 1974 ) was a famous economist , historian and thinker in modern China . In 1927 , he went out of school in China Vocational School . He was a professor at the University of Shanghai , Shanghai University and St . John ' s University . As the ideology of the quasi - democratic ideology is large and profound , there are many arguments in the academic circle . But the political thought of the party , which is represented by the " two - party system of socialism " , is seldom studied . The two - party system is the political system in which the political parties in the western capitalist countries take turns to power through the election to obtain the majority of seats in the parliament or win the presidential election . As a result , there is no precedent in China , according to the author ' s knowledge . On the basis of socialist public ownership , the two - party system established on the basis of capitalist ownership is established on the basis of socialist public ownership , which is the distinct point of both . Some scholars believe that the quasi - socialist two - party system not only advocates the democratic politics , but also insists on the elimination of private ownership , and there is a clear logical fracture . Some scholars have even affirmed that , on the one hand , it advocates the two - party system of government , on the other hand , does not oppose socialist public ownership , but it is hard to understand the two - party system under the capitalist system . In the view of the analysis , the author argues that the two - party rotation of the two parties should be realized in China on the premise of preserving the socialist public ownership without the use of " socialism " under the guise of " socialism " . In the age of " Cultural Revolution " , he dared to propose a new and highly sensitive idea of socialist two - party system , which is related to his early life environment , the inspiration of patriotic spirit and the spirit of exploration in suffering . As a result , he believes that it is impossible to realize democracy and the two - party system is the only way to realize democracy . The reason is that it is not possible to realize democracy under the one - party system , and the two - party system is the only way to realize democracy . From the two levels of politics and the people ' s thought , the Chinese and Western cultures are comparatively well compared with the western culture . As a result , it is believed that the western multi - cultural culture has no monopoly of all political authority . Only two - party system can be realized , so that it can realize democracy . It is worth affirming the profound ideological origin . However , it is not possible to fully expand the ideas of the socialist two - party system , which is inseparable from the politics and living environment at that time . In short , it is not advisable to have a comprehensive understanding of the non - democratic factors in the western two - party system and to move it to China without a comprehensive understanding of the non - democratic factors under the western two - party system . However , from the perspective of history and morality , in the context of " Cultural Revolution " , the thought of the socialist two - party system , as Gu Yi , has been corrected in vain , but still has some positive significance . To sum up , as the first exponent of the two - party system under socialist public ownership , it is the representative of the former scholars to think about the socialist democracy . As the thought of Gu Yi is changing with the environment at home and abroad , it should take the non - stationary dynamic research method to view the problem in a comprehensive and dialectical manner .
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