本文选题:胡适 切入点:实验主义 出处:《南昌大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:众所周知,胡适自称是一个严格的实验主义者,因此他在自己的思想和实践中总是力图贯彻着他的实验主义原则。胡适认为墨家思想具有实用主义和工具主义的特点,而宋明理学教他格物致知,明清训诂学教导他要重视证据的实证研究。同时,赫胥黎与杜威等人对他的影响同样也是要求他要有怀疑主义的精神和实证主义方法。因此,胡适的实验主义思想是他融合中国传统思想与西方思想的结果。他的实验主义本质上是一种功利主义与工具论方法的结合。在民族主义膨胀的时代背景下,同时受到进化论进步主义思想的影响,胡适的实验主义成为了实现民族主义目标的便宜措施,而非富有建设性、思想性的解决中国实际问题的方法。 胡适主要是要在南京国民政府统治下实践他的宪政主义理念。但是1927年以后建立的国民政府实际上是一个遵行“一个政党、一个主义和一个领袖”的意识形态的革命政府,实行的是由军人主导国家政治的“军政”和由政府训导人民政治参与能力的“训政”。因此,胡适面临的是一个独裁专制的政府。胡适的目标就是要通过他的实验主义,在这样的政治和社会环境中推行他的民主宪政。 但是,民族主义的目标在胡适的内心始终占据绝对的地位。面对民族主义的目标,胡适从实验主义的角度出发,主张对社会采取渐进可控的改革。他企图在一个专制政权当中扮演一个负责任的批评者的角色,通过教育当权者来推行实行宪政。胡适的宪政思想对于自由主义所主张的个人主义并没有坚定的立场,在拯救国家的民族主义的宏大目标与保护权利与自由的个人主义目标之间,胡适的立场摇摆不定,最终个人主义被胡适的“不朽”的“社会”所消解。作为贯彻实验主义以实现民族主义目标的体现,胡适宪政主义中的工具主义和功利思想相当浓厚。尽管胡适呼吁制定宪法,保护个人权利与自由,推动国民政府在中国推行民主宪政,甚至企图组建反对党来实践他的宪政主张。但是,胡适以实验主义的工具论和功利主义思想推行的宪政主义,仍然摆脱不了精英政治和乌托邦的色彩。 胡适主张通过实验主义的渐进改革来实现民主宪政,但是他没有认识到,在独裁专制统治的社会中推行宪政民主,本质上是一个强制建构分权制衡与司法审查制度来驯服独裁权力的过程,具有颠覆性的“革命”意义。当胡适从宪政民主尊重常识和运作简单、稳定的角度认为宪政民主是“幼稚园”政治的时候,他没有认识到在一个独裁专制思想根深蒂固的社会文化当中推行宪政民主所面临的巨大困难,胡适通过实验主义在专制独裁政权下推行民主宪政实际上是一个精英主义者的盲目乐观和乌托邦主义的表现。尽管被称为一个自由主义者,但是胡适的宪政思想当中的个人主义并不牢靠,他对自由主义并没有坚定的信念。事实上,他的宪政主义并非保护个人权利与自由、约束和限制专制权力的自由主义意义上的宪政,而是实现解决社会问题、实现民族主义的工具。正是由于存在这样一些认识和实践上的误区,胡适在民主宪政和开明专制问题上的立场没有表面上的那么泾渭分明。在需要通过强有力的威权统治实现民族主义目标的背景下,胡适的实验主义的态度使得他默认国民党的独裁专制。因此,胡适想要的是在民主宪政与开明专制之间寻求妥协,只要在他的实验主义的立场上看来这样的妥协有助于实现他的民族主义的目标。
[Abstract]:As everyone knows, Hu Shi claimed to be a strict experimentalist, so he in thought and practice always tries to carry out his experiment principle. Hu Shi believes Mohism with pragmatism and instrumentalism, and Neo Confucianism taught him knowledge, the Ming and Qing Dynasties exegesis taught him to pay attention to empirical evidence at the same time. The influence of Huxley and Dewey, et al. His also asked him to have the spirit of suspicion and positivism. Therefore, Hu Shi thought he Chinese experimental fusion traditional thought and Western thought. His pragmatism is essentially a combination of utilitarianism and instrumentalism method. In the background of the expansion of nationalism at the same time, by the influence of the evolution of progressive thought, Hu Shi's experimentalism became to realize the goal of nationalism cheap measures, rather than rich There are constructive and ideological ways to solve practical problems in China.
Hu Shi is mainly to the national government in Nanjing under the rule of his practice of constitutionalism philosophy. But after 1927 the national government is actually a "committed to a political party, a communist and a leader of the ideology of the revolutionary government, is carried out by the military dominated national politics" by the government and military discipline people's political participation ability of "political tutelage". Therefore, Hu Shi is facing an autocratic government. Hu Shi's goal is to pass his pragmatism, to carry out his constitutional democracy in such political and social environment.
However, the target of nationalism always occupy the absolute position in Hu Shi's heart. In the face of nationalism, Hu Shi from the perspective of Marxism, advocated the gradual and controllable social reform. He tried to play a responsible role of the criticism in an authoritarian regime, by education authorities to implement the implementation of constitutionalism. Hu Shi's constitutional thought advocated for liberal individualism does not stand in between, to save the country's nationalist goals and protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual goal, Hu Shi wobbles, eventually individualism is Hu Shi's "immortal" and "society" by digestion. As the embodiment of carrying out the experiment principle to achieve the goal of nationalism, constitutionalism in Hu Shi's instrumentalism and utilitarianism quite strong. Although Hu Shi calls for the establishment of the constitution, protecting a Human rights and freedom, promote the national government to carry out democratic constitutionalism in China, even attempted to establish an opposition party to practice his constitutional politics. However, Hu Shi in "experimental" tool theory and utilitarianism implementation of constitutionalism, still can not get rid of the political elite and the color of Utopia.
Hu Shi advocated by the gradual reform experiment doctrine to realize democratic constitutionalism, but he did not realize that the implementation of the constitutional democratic dictatorship in the society, is essentially a mandatory decentralization process to tame the autocratic power and judicial review system, with subversive "revolution" when Hu Shi from the constitutional significance. Respect the democratic sense and simple operation, stable point of view that the constitutional democracy is "Kindergarten" politics, he did not realize that the implementation of constitutional democracy faces great difficulties in a dictatorship thought ingrained social culture, Hu Shi through the doctrine in a dictatorship under the democratic constitutionalism is actually an elitist the blind optimism and utopianism. Despite being known as a liberal, but Hu Shi's constitutional thought of individualism and not He is not firm, firm belief in liberalism. In fact, his constitutionalism is not the protection of individual rights and freedom, constraints and limitations of arbitrary power of liberal sense of constitutionalism, but also the realization of social problems and realize nationalism tools. It is because of the existence of such understanding and practice of the misunderstanding, Hu Shi the position in the democratic constitutionalism and enlightened despotism on not on the surface. So in quite distinct from each other needs the authoritarian rule to achieve the goal of nationalism under the background of Hu Shi's experimentalism attitude makes him the Kuomintang dictatorship by default. Therefore, what Hu Shi wants is the compromises between the democratic constitutionalism and enlightened despotism, as long as it seems such a compromise is helpful to realize the goal of his nationalism in his experimental standpoint.
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