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发布时间:2018-04-21 21:14

  本文选题:政治效能感 + 民主政治 ; 参考:《山西大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:政治效能感是指普通公民对自己是否能够成功地采取政治行为的一种主观判断。它研究兴起于20世纪50年代的美国,与美国当时的经济、政治与文化有着密不可分关系。尤其是,1948年和1952年的两次美国总统大选中,普通公民面对选举冲突及其应对方式的主要区别,对政治效能感的研究兴起起到了直接的推动作用。同时,政治效能感的研究兴起还具有深厚的理论基础,强调主权在民的古典民主理论是政治效能感研究兴起的思想源泉,以间歇性选举为特色的自由民主理论为政治效能感研究的兴起提供了直接动力,参与民主理论则为政治效能感研究提供了更为丰富的空间;政治文化理论从宏观上和微观上为政治效能感的研究提供了理论支撑;而态度与行为理论是政治效能感实证研究的直接理论基础。 通过对有关“政治效能感”的中外资料的梳理,本文最终得出结论:迄今为止海外学者对政治效能感的内涵界定主要包含:单一维度的政治效能感、双维度的政治效能感和三意涵的政治效能感。深入剖析,美国社会选举情境的变化是政治效能感研究兴起的直接动因、学者对民主政治前途的忧虑以及行为主义革命为政治效能感研究兴起提供了重要来源和工具支撑。同时,民主理论、政治文化理论和态度行为理论成为政治效能感研究兴起的理论基础。
[Abstract]:The sense of political efficacy refers to the subjective judgment of ordinary citizens on whether they can successfully adopt political behavior. Its research began in America in the 1950's, and was closely related to American economy, politics and culture at that time. In particular, in the two American presidential elections in 1948 and 1952, ordinary citizens faced with the major differences between the election conflicts and their coping styles, played a direct role in promoting the rise of the study of political efficacy. At the same time, the rise of the study of political efficacy also has a profound theoretical basis, emphasizing that the classical democratic theory of sovereignty in the people is the ideological source of the rise of the study of political efficacy. The theory of free democracy, characterized by intermittent elections, provides a direct impetus for the rise of the study of political efficacy, while the theory of participation in democracy provides a richer space for the study of the sense of political efficacy. The theory of political culture provides theoretical support for the study of the sense of political efficacy from the macro and micro aspects, while the theory of attitude and behavior is the direct theoretical basis of the empirical study of the sense of political efficacy. By combing the Chinese and foreign data on the sense of political efficacy, this paper concludes that the definition of the sense of political efficacy by overseas scholars so far mainly includes: a single dimension of political efficacy. Two dimensions of political efficacy and three-meaning sense of political efficacy. It is deeply analyzed that the change of American social election situation is the direct cause of the rise of the study of political efficacy. The worries of scholars about the future of democratic politics and the behaviorist revolution provide important sources and tools for the rise of the study of political efficacy. At the same time, democratic theory, political culture theory and attitude-behavior theory become the theoretical basis of the rise of political efficacy.


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