本文选题:“媒治” + 社会“安全阀” ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:美国前总统——托马斯·杰弗逊曾经说过:“民意是我们政府的基础。如果由我来决定,我们是要一个没有报纸的政府还是没有政府的报纸,,我会毫不迟疑地选择后者。”1由此可见,在19世纪初西方的最高统治者们已经发现媒体对政府的管治有着举足轻重的影响。随着社会的发展,媒体在现代生活中的影响力更日益凸显出来,媒体与社会管治之间的关系也越来越密切,媒体的话语权有时甚至能左右公共事件的走向。于是,在“人治”、“法治”、“德治”之外,便衍生出一新词——“媒治”。 “媒治”,就是“媒体治”,即是通过媒体管理社会,或是人们试图期望通过媒体曝光来解决社会问题。由于媒体的不断发展与创新,媒体已经不再是一种简单的资讯发布平台,开始牵涉到严肃的社会时政问题,这不仅仅对政治,更对整个社会都会产生不可估量的巨大影响力。如何更好地正确认识媒体及其社会影响力,利用媒体来为国家的政治、经济、社会、生活和人民提供服务,为每一位执政者提供规范媒体的有效参考都是本文的研究目的。 文章将采用个案研究和归纳演绎等研究方法,对我国现阶段“媒治”的情况进行研究统计,从大量资料和个案中进行比较,找到相互之间的关联性,在对国外媒体管理方面的有用措施的吸收、利用的基础之上,最后得出“媒治”的社会影响力以及对媒体管理的建议。本文将理论与实际进行了紧密的相连,在解答了什么是“媒治”,它有哪些特征等问题之余,还会运用了社会学的社会“2安全阀”理论以及传播学的“把关人”理论,就“媒治”对社会有怎样的影响力、现状存在哪些问题以及未来的发展趋势等问题进行了深入的研究与解答。从各方面展现“媒治”的积极与消极作用,对今后的政府权力运作提供指导性的意见和帮助,并建立一个更加和谐的社会发展环境。
[Abstract]:Former US President Thomas Jefferson once said: "Public opinion is the foundation of our government. If it is up to me to decide whether we want a government without a newspaper or a newspaper without a government, I will not hesitate to choose the latter. In the early 19 th century, Western supreme rulers had found that the media had an important influence on the governance of government. With the development of society, the influence of media in modern life is more and more prominent, and the relationship between media and social governance is becoming more and more close. Sometimes, the speaking power of media can even influence the trend of public events. Therefore, in addition to "rule of man", "rule of law", "rule of virtue", a new word-"media rule". "Media governance" means "media governance", that is, managing society through media, or people trying to solve social problems through media exposure. Due to the continuous development and innovation of the media, the media is no longer a simple information publishing platform, and began to involve serious social issues, which not only to politics, but also to the whole society will have an incalculable huge influence. How to better understand the media and its social influence, how to use the media to provide services for the country's politics, economy, society, life and people, and how to provide an effective reference to regulate the media for every ruling person are all the purposes of this paper. This article will use case study and inductive deduction to study and statistics the situation of "media governance" in our country at present, and compare it from a large number of materials and cases, and find out the correlation between each other. On the basis of absorbing and utilizing the useful measures of foreign media management, the social influence of "media governance" and the suggestions on media management are obtained. In this paper, the theory is closely connected with the practice. In addition to the answers to the questions of what is "media governance" and what characteristics it has, the social "2 safety valve" theory of sociology and the "gatekeeper" theory of communication are also used. This paper makes a deep research and solution on the influence of "media governance" on the society, the problems existing in the present situation and the development trend in the future. To show the positive and negative effects of "media governance" from various aspects, to provide guidance and help for the future operation of government power, and to establish a more harmonious social development environment.
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