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发布时间:2018-07-08 08:55

  本文选题:波普尔 + 科学哲学 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:卡尔·波普尔是奥裔英籍著名哲学家,在二十世纪哲学史中占有重要的地位。作为一位以科学哲学为主要研究方向的哲学家,波普尔罕见地在政治哲学领域也有其独到而深刻的见解,产生了深远的影响。当今哲学发展正经历着科学主义与人文主义的融合,科学哲学的影响范围也不再囿于自然科学领域,而是通过对其他哲学的影响而深入到自然科学、社会科学甚至人文领域的方方面面。研究波普尔科学哲学对其政治哲学的影响,既有助于从波普尔庞杂的哲学体系中寻找到核心框架,又有助于我们为这种影响寻找到支持的依据和实施的路径。 本文正是基于以上目的,在依据波普尔本人著作和其他学者对波普尔哲学思想研究成果的基础上,通过文献分析和对波普尔科学哲学与政治哲学思想的比较,力图从整体上把握波普尔哲学思想,并寻找到科学哲学跨领域应用的可能性。论文共由引言和四章构成: 引言:主要阐述选题的提出背景和意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和方法以及本文的创新点与不足之处。 第一章:波普尔政治哲学的知识本体论基础。波普尔的政治哲学主要是对历史决定论的批判和提出开放社会这一思想。波普尔的整个哲学体系是建立在其知识论的基础之上的,其政治哲学也不例外。严格来说,,知识论是波普尔科学哲学的内容。波普尔本人对自己的整个哲学体系的本体论论述得较晚,最后是以“三个世界”理论对此进行的总结。本章即介绍此方面的内容。 第二章:波普尔科学方法论与历史决定论批判。波普尔极其重视方法论在哲学中的重要意义,其哲学体系的建立最早就是从对归纳法的批判开始的。鉴于波普尔的政治哲学包括批判性和建设性两方面的内容,本文亦分别介绍这两个方面对其科学哲学方法论的借鉴。本章即是介绍波普尔在对历史决定论的批判中所使用的科学哲学方法。 第三章:波普尔科学哲学对开放社会的支持。本章承接上一章,介绍波普尔政治哲学中建设性的一面(开放社会思想)中所使用的科学哲学方法,即“猜测—反驳”形式的试错法。 第四章:科学哲学跨领域应用的可能性。本章首先对波普尔将其科学哲学内容应用到政治哲学所获得的结果进行评价,然后结合对其失败之处的批判和对其成功之处的认可,总结科学哲学在社会科学领域内应用的可能性。
[Abstract]:Karl Popper, an Austrian British philosopher, occupies an important position in the history of Philosophy in the twentieth Century. As a philosopher with the main research direction of philosophy of science, Popper has a rare and profound view in the field of political philosophy, which has a profound influence. The development of philosophy is undergoing scientism. With the integration of humanism, the influence of philosophy of science is no longer confined to the field of natural science, but through the influence of other philosophies into the fields of natural science, social science and even the humanities. The study of the influence of Popper's philosophy of science on his political philosophy is not only helpful to the philosophical system of Popper. Finding the core framework will help us find the support and implementation path for this impact.
This article is based on the above purpose. On the basis of Popper's own works and other scholars' research on Popper's philosophical thought, through literature analysis and comparison of Popper's philosophy of science and political philosophy, this paper tries to grasp the philosophy of Popper as a whole and to find the possibility of the cross field application of the philosophy of science. The thesis consists of the introduction and the four chapters.
Introduction: the background and significance of the topic selection, research status at home and abroad, research ideas and methods, as well as the innovation and shortcomings of this article are mainly elaborated.
The first chapter is the basis of knowledge ontology of Popper's political philosophy. Popper's political philosophy is mainly the criticism of historical determinism and the idea of opening up the society. Popper's whole philosophy system is based on his theory of knowledge, and its political philosophy is no exception. Strictly speaking, the theory of knowledge is Popper's philosophy of science. The content of Popper himself is later on the ontology of his whole philosophical system, and finally is a summary of the theory of "Three Worlds". This chapter introduces the content of this aspect.
The second chapter: Popper's scientific methodology and the criticism of historical determinism. Popper attaches great importance to the importance of methodology in philosophy. The earliest establishment of his philosophical system is from the criticism of the inductive method. In view of Popper's political philosophy, including critical and constructive two sides, this article also introduces the two parties respectively. In the face of its scientific philosophy methodology, this chapter introduces Popper's philosophy of Science in his critique of historical determinism.
The third chapter: the support of Popper's philosophy of science to the open society. This chapter takes the last chapter to introduce the scientific philosophy method used in the constructive side of Popper's Political Philosophy (the thought of Open Society), that is, the trial and error method of "guessing refutation".
The fourth chapter is the possibility of interdisciplinary application of philosophy of science. This chapter first evaluates the results obtained by Popper's application of his philosophy of science to political philosophy, and then combines the criticism of his failure and the recognition of its success, and sums up the possibility of the application of philosophy of Science in the field of social science.


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