[Abstract]:Under the background of the 19th century, the first International, guided by Marxism, taking the early Socialist International Organization as the carrier and taking the seizure of political power as the great mission of the working class, actively launched the struggle against bourgeois rule. It has responded powerfully to the demands of the times of the struggle between proletarian theory consciousness and systematization, and has exerted a profound historical influence on the vivid development and nationalization of the international communist movement since the 20th century. From the perspective of socialist party politics, the first International, following the beginning of Socialist Party Politics by the Communist League, developed with a new organizational form, theoretical viewpoint and political practice. It has changed the political situation in which capitalist party politics dominates the world, and for the rise and development of socialist party politics in the second international, the Communist International and the oppressed nation-states, Left a rich ideological creation and practical innovation of the historical heritage. Although the political practice of the first International Socialist Party has obvious "regional", "primary" in the development stage and "trial" in practice, it is not only in the organizational carrier, value direction, activity content, but also in ideological guidance. The practice mode and the strategic principles are of fundamental significance and pioneering value to the further development of socialist party politics.
【作者单位】: 山东大学马克思主义学院;山东大学当代社会主义研究所;
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