[Abstract]:The protagonists of the debate about justice and moral philosophy are Rawls and Nozick. Rawls believes that justice is the primary value of social system, and justice means equality. In Rawls's view, the problem of social freedom in the West has been basically solved, and now we should pay attention to the issue of equality. He pointed out that all basic good in society should be equally distributed, unless some unequal distribution benefits the "least beneficiaries." Nozick agrees with Rawls' view that justice is the primary value of social system, but he argues that justice lies in rights and rights are sacred and inviolable. Nozick sympathizes with the misfortune of social inequality, but he believes that inequality does not mean injustice, and equality does not mean justice. Nozick criticized Rawls for advocating a more functional state for equality. In Nozick's view, any form of redistribution would mean an infringement of individual rights, arguing that the best state is the one with the least responsibility. But in Rawls' view, any form of inequality should be corrected, and the only way to address it is through national redistribution. In essence, Rawls and Nozick argue on the issue of freedom and equality, Rawls tends to equality, Nozick advocates freedom above. It is the sharp opposition between the two scholars' theory of justice that leads us to think about many problems and discuss the problem of value. From the viewpoint of identity justice and differential justice, this paper points out that Rawls' theory of justice, which tends to be equal, and Nozick's theory of justice, which is free and supreme, are both monolithic justice theories, which are deficient. Identity justice and differential justice are dualistic justice theory, which transcends and complements Rawls and Nozick's theory of justice. The first chapter introduces the background, basic content and influence of Rawls and Nozick's theory of justice. The second chapter firstly clarifies justice from the principle of equal treatment and equal treatment, and briefly discusses justice and equality and justice. Then the author makes a comparative study of the two scholars' theory of justice and points out that the essence of the argument is freedom versus equality. The argument of relationship freedom and equality, mainly in the economic field, involves the reasonable distribution and burden of interests, mainly discusses whether the natural talent should participate in the distribution field in distributive justice. If involved in the field of distribution, then how much into the issue of distribution? The third chapter is the core part of this paper. In this chapter, we systematically discuss the justice of identity and the justice of difference and the cooperative mechanism of the two justice. It also answers why identity justice and differential justice transcend Rawls and Nozick's theory of justice. Identity justice fits Rawls' theory of equality justice to a certain extent, and differential justice theory agrees with Nozick's theory of justice which advocates the supremacy of freedom in a certain sense. The biggest deficiency of the two scholars' justice theory is that they only see the one side of justice, lack of dynamic, historical, comprehensive and systematic. This paper examines the shortcomings of Rawls and Nozick's theory of justice, and finally points out that coordinated justice, that is, identity justice and differential justice, is the demand for justice in the contemporary world. Based on the synergy theory of synergetic justice, this paper analyzes how to guarantee the basic rights of freedom and equality of the people, and how to realize the distribution justice and build a harmonious and orderly society.
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