[Abstract]:This concept is the core of western traditional political culture. The inner ideological structure of "soul / body" is intertwined with the dualistic social consciousness of "male / female". From this, the formation of the Western style of male domination culture. Although the ancient Chinese tradition "heavy body" but not "female body", women are marginalized in the "non-temporal" body politics, which emphasizes the blood of father and son. Therefore, the traditional political culture of China and the West is loaded with the dream of the ruling group seeking permanent power, which is bound together with a kind of cultural resources of "displacing time" and is a kind of patriarchal culture. Accordingly, it is necessary to construct a kind of feminized time based on gender interbody sex in order to get out of the "dead cycle" of traditional patriarchal political society.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学人文社会科学学院;
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