[Abstract]:This article is divided into preface, one, two, three chapters and concluding remarks. In the preface, the purpose and significance of the topic, the research trends of freedom theory at home and abroad and the innovation of this paper are expounded. In the first part, the author expounds the basic concept of freedom, the theoretical background of Dennett's freedom theory, that is, taking the historical sequence of human social development as the main line, enumerates several representative freedom theories from ancient to present. Dennett's proof of the existence of free will paves the way for Dennett to discuss his view of liberty and its practical significance-moral responsibility. In the second part, on the basis of the argument of the existence of freedom in the first part, this paper introduces four ways of existence of freedom, and then states its own position, that is, the view of freedom of moderate determinism. Then, the real world is simulated by two simulation experiments, namely "life game" and "general Turing machine", to show that even in the two simulation experiments, which are regarded as tough determinism, there is the possibility that human beings can grow up freely. The different moral responsibilities involved in determinism and non-determinism are discussed in the field of freedom practice. In the third part, this paper tries to demonstrate the evolution of freedom from the biological and social attributes of human beings. In terms of the biological properties of human beings, he focuses on explaining the formation of our existing senses and concepts from the effects of some physiological structures and psychological activities on human activities. Physiologically, he lists the differences between human vision and other animals, proving that our existing sensory devices have some limitations on us. In terms of human social attributes, Danit cites Richard Dawkins's theory of "Mystery" evolution and the theory of "gene-cultural co-evolution", represented by social biologist Susan Blackmore, to illustrate the evolution of human cultural ideas. But more and more convergence, and the selfishness of Mystery and the rapid spread of modern information make human freedom more fragile, which is what Dennett is worried about. This paper holds that Dennett's worries are far-sighted, but freedom is not without a way out. The future of human freedom lies in the carrier of mystery rice-human beings have their own historical limitations, and the constantly liberated productive forces of human beings. The conclusion part reviews Dennett's view of freedom and its evolution. In demonstrating freedom, Dennett pointed out that to be free, one must first have faith in free will. I think Dennett has logically reversed the relationship between ideal and reality. If a thing doesn't exist, we can't need it; and that thing exists, then our proof of it must be logically proved and inferred. We can prove the existence and influence of human thinking by tracing the path of human thinking even if it belongs to the subjective thinking within the scope of ideology. And Danit subjectively thinks we have just because of our needs, which easily reminds us of the Lutheran Protestantism that can be saved by faith. This proof is blind, lacks the strictness in logic, is only a subjective cognitive revolution and self-liberation. But Danit's concern about cultural simplification in the process of globalization is far-sighted. The progress of human civilization requires diversity of human culture, harmony rather than a thousand people, which makes it possible for us to make progress in human civilization.
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