发布时间:2018-08-14 20:02
【摘要】:民主社会主义是19世纪末产生并由社会民主党所信奉的理论体系,它与科学社会主义具有共同的理论渊源。19世纪初,民主社会主义的主要代表伯恩斯坦与科学社会主义逐渐分道扬镳,提出了逐渐背离马克思主义的立场、观点的学说,逐渐形成了民主社会主义理论。民主社会主义经历了从理论到实践,从运动到模式,从欧洲到世界的发展历程,在世界政治舞台具有广泛的影响。 民主社会主义发源于西欧,产生后不断向东传播和演化,东欧国家共产党首先出现了“社会党化”的现象,出现了“新马克思主义”;西欧、南欧等国家的社会党普遍信奉民主社会主义;在苏联产生了赫鲁晓夫、勃列日涅夫的“全民党”和“全民国家”,最后演变为戈尔巴乔夫的“人道的、民主的社会主义”。同时,民主社会主义向亚、非、拉等国家不断扩散,影响迅速攀升,先后在亚、非、拉等国家产生了一批信仰民主社会主义的社会民主主义国家。但是,苏东剧变之后,冷战格局解体,世界社会主义运动遭遇了巨大的挑战,民主社会主义对传统的科学社会主义形成了空前的挑战,社会党不断的侵占共产党的阵地。 近年来,在国内围绕民主社会主义的本质以及民主社会主义与中国特色社会主义的关系问题,中国的选择是中国特色社会主义还是民主社会主义,在中国的理论界展开了激烈的交锋。这场对民主社会主义的研讨不是纯粹的学术论争,而是具有现实政治意味的意识形态的论战,其直接的政治价值指向是中国的发展道路的问题,即中国向何处去。是继续坚持和完善中国特色社会主义理论体系,走中国特色社会主义道路不动摇,还是改弦更张。为了全面科学准确地认识和评价民主社会主义,本论文以民主社会主义的经典文献为出发点和研究依据,结合民主社会主义的实践对民主社会主义进行了深入的研究,试图深化对民主社会主义和中国特色社会主义的认识。 本论文主要以民主社会主义“改良观”为主线,坚持以马克思主义为指导,综合运用历史学、政治学、社会学、经济学等方面的相关知识,运用历史唯物主义和辨证唯物主义的分析方法、比较研究方法、案例法等研究方法,对民主社会主义理论和实践模式作出较为系统的论析。通过梳理民主社会主义的基本理论、思想根源、本质特征、发展历程,探索民主社会主义在不同国家和地区的不同的社会实践模式,力求揭示民主社会主义实践模式的经验和社会局限性,以及民主社会实践模式对我国社会主义建设具有的借鉴意义。试图从理论与实践两个层面对民主社会主义的研究有所创新。 在理论层面上总结和梳理民主社会主义的基本理论体系、思想来源、本质特征,认为民主社会主义在基本价值观方面,具有多元化的特征,主张世界观中立和指导思想的多元化,反对把唯一的思想理论体系作为指导思想;在经济理论方面,主张经济民主,放弃公有制的诉求,实行混合所有制经济,采取高福利的分配制度和工人参与决策的经济民主模式;在政治理论方面,主张政治民主,承认和支持现代资本主义国家具有中立的、超阶级的国家属性,认为社会主义的实现前提是承认国家制度的合法性,主张多党制和议会共和制的政治制度,通过民主的途径和改良的方法逐步使现代资本主义国家逐渐形成社会主义国家;在国际问题和全球事务的政治理论方面,主张国际民主,认为社会民主党追求的基本价值适用于国际范围之内,基本目标是追求世界和平与繁荣,建立和平与自由的世界。得出结论:民主社会主义实质是一种资本主义改良主义思想体系,其基本理论体系并不是建立在科学的理论基础之上的,与马克思主义所提倡的科学社会主义有本质区别。 在此基础上,对中国特色社会主义与民主社会主义进行了比较研究,得出结论民主社会主义不适合当代中国,如果中国选择民主社会主义,放弃马克思主义的科学社会主义理论体系,不坚持“四项基本原则”,最终必然导致全盘西化,不能实现领导中国人民走上消灭剥削、消灭两极分化、实现共同富裕的共产主义社会理想。对民主社会主义进行了评析,分析了民主社会主义的历史贡献及历史局限性,在历史贡献主要表现在推动了公民权利和社会民主进程的发展,保障了资本主义社会的稳定,推动了国际和平和发展等方面;在历史局限性方面主要表现在对马克思主义的基本理论观点的曲解,放弃了公有制的主导地位,无法解决资本主义的弊端等方面。 在实践层面上,总结了民主社会主义在西方社会取得的成就,探索民主社会主义的实践模式对于社会发展的实际影响,同时认清民主社会主义的局限性。在对民主社会主义实践模式系统归纳方面,本文从全球的视野,把民主社会主义实践模式进行了归纳,总结出西欧典型的民主社会主义实践模式、原苏东功利型民主社会主义实践模式、亚非拉国家和地区本土型民主社会主义实践模式等三种民主社会主义实践模式。分别从民主社会主义实践模式形成的概况、发展历程、具体实践模式、模式特征、模式局限性等方面进行了详细的阐述和分析。认识到民主社会主义作为一种运动和实践模式,由于历史原因和国情不同,在世界各地、各国的发展也是不平衡的,西欧地区主要是传统欧洲的资本主义国家,是民主社会主义的发源地,受民主社会主义的影响根深蒂固,形成了典型的民主社会主义实践模式,很多社民党成为执政党,在本国积极探索民主社会主义实践模式,因此,形成的民主社会主义模式具有典型性;在原苏东地区,东欧剧变苏联解体以后,中东欧各国走上了民主社会主义的发展道路,由于受到原有的社会主义模式的影响,各国社民党主要侧重于寻求执政为主要目标,政治实践的功利性明显增强,形成了具有中东欧功利型特色的民主社会主义实践模式;在亚非拉地区,伴随着资本主义的产生,亚非拉地区陷入了深刻的民族危机之中,成为资本主义国家争夺的牺牲品,在亚非拉地区缺乏民主社会主义的发展土壤,社民党在个别国家和地区成为执政党或参政党,结合本国、本地区的实际情况,形成了本土型的民主社会主义实践模式。总结了民主社会主义实践模式对我国社会主义建设的一些启示,启示我们在社会主义经济建设方面要注重发挥市场机制作用和国家宏观调控的关系,健全收入分配制度,加大增收遗产税的力度,缩小贫富差距;在社会民主政治建设方面要注重发展社会主义民主,坚持依法治国方略,保障公民各项权利,加强廉政建设,提高党的执政能力;在和谐社会建设方面,采取务实的做法,继续探索改革之路,不断丰富和发展马克思主义理论。 本论文根据时代发展的需要,对民主社会主义理论和实践模式进行了深入的剖析,具有一定的理论价值、应用价值和学术价值。首先,通过对民主社会主义理论与实践模式的研究,能够帮助我们正确的认识和了解民主社会主义理论体系和价值追求、实践模式,帮助我们认清社会民主党在实践民主社会主义理论时的方针、政策,了解其经验和教训,使得我们少走弯路;有助于我们正确看待近年来党的理论创新和实践创新,警惕共产党社会党化问题在中国的重演,以科学务实的态度重新审视民主社会主义在实践中的积极和消极影响;有助于在新的历史条件下创新党的执政理念和加强党的执政能力建设。其次,通过对民主社会主义理论与实践模式的研究,有助于我们关注世界各国民主社会主义实践国家的政治现状,借鉴民主社会主义的经验教训,全面深刻地把握民主社会主义理论的成就与缺陷性,了解和把握当代国际政治的发展趋势,探索社会主义的前途和命运。再次,对民主社会主义与中国特色社会主义的比较研究,从指导思想、社会制度诉求、政治制度实践模式、政党性质等方面进行辨析,弥补了学术界关于比较研究方面的一些不足,深化了对民主社会主义、科学社会主义、中国特色社会主义的理论实质的认识,澄清了目前学术界和思想界关于民主社会主义与中国特色社会主义的争论与混乱。最后,对于民主社会主义实践模式的研究,有利于我们关注世界各国民主社会主义实践国家的政治现状,了解和把握当代国际政治的发展趋势,,有助于我们了解民主社会主义的巨大影响及其对科学社会主义的挑战,从而制定正确的政策,对中国特色社会主义建设具有极其重要的战略意义,对于学者们进行民主社会主义研究具有一定的参考和借鉴价值,具有一定的学术价值。
[Abstract]:Democratic Socialism is a theoretical system that emerged at the end of the 19th century and is believed by the Social Democratic Party. It has a common theoretical origin with scientific socialism. The theory of democratic socialism has gradually come into being. Democratic socialism has experienced the development process from theory to practice, from movement to mode, from Europe to the world, and has a wide influence on the world political arena.
Democratic socialism originated in Western Europe, and spread and evolved eastward after its emergence. The Communist Party of Eastern European countries first appeared the phenomenon of "socialization" and "new Marxism"; the Socialist Party of Western Europe and Southern Europe generally believed in democratic socialism; and the "National Party" of Khrushchev and Brezhnev came into being in the Soviet Union. At the same time, democratic socialism spread to Asia, Africa and Latin America, and its influence rose rapidly. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, a number of socialist democracies believed in democratic socialism emerged. With the disintegration of the cold war, the world socialist movement has encountered tremendous challenges. Democratic socialism has posed unprecedented challenges to the traditional scientific socialism, and the Socialist Party has constantly occupied the position of the Communist Party.
In recent years, there has been a fierce confrontation in the theoretical circles of China over the nature of democratic socialism and the relationship between democratic socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics. This discussion on democratic socialism is not a purely academic controversy, but a heated debate on whether China will choose to be a socialism with Chinese characteristics or a socialism with democracy. It is an ideological debate with realistic political significance, whose direct political value is directed at the question of China's development path, that is, where China will go. Is it necessary to continue to adhere to and improve the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics unswervingly, or change the course of the debate? To evaluate democratic socialism, this paper takes the classical literature of democratic socialism as the starting point and research basis, and makes a thorough study of democratic socialism in combination with the practice of democratic socialism, trying to deepen the understanding of democratic socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
This paper mainly takes the "view of improvement" of democratic socialism as the main line, insists on taking Marxism as the guidance, comprehensively uses the relevant knowledge of history, politics, sociology, economics and so on, uses the analytical methods of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, comparative research methods, case law and other research methods to study democratic socialism. Through combing the basic theory, ideological origin, essential characteristics and development process of democratic socialism, this paper explores the different social practice modes of democratic socialism in different countries and regions, and tries to reveal the experience and social limitations of the practice mode of democratic socialism, as well as the Democratic society. The mode of meeting and practice is of reference significance to the socialist construction of our country, and attempts to make innovations in the study of democratic socialism from both theoretical and practical levels.
Summarize and sort out the basic theoretical system, ideological sources and essential characteristics of democratic socialism on the theoretical level, think that democratic socialism has the characteristics of pluralism in the basic values, advocate the neutrality of world outlook and pluralism of guiding ideology, oppose the only ideological and theoretical system as the guiding ideology, and in the economic theory side. On the one hand, he advocates economic democracy, abandons the appeal of public ownership, implements mixed ownership economy, adopts the distribution system of high welfare and the economic democratic model of workers'participation in decision-making; on the other hand, he advocates political democracy, recognizes and supports the neutral and super-class national attribute of modern capitalist countries, and believes in the realization of socialism. The premise is to recognize the legitimacy of the state system, advocate the political system of multi-party system and parliamentary republic, gradually make the modern capitalist countries into socialist countries through democratic means and improved methods; advocate international democracy in the political theory of international issues and global affairs, and regard the Social Democratic Party as the foundation of pursuit. The basic goal is to pursue world peace and prosperity and establish a world of peace and freedom. It is concluded that democratic socialism is essentially a system of capitalist reformism, and its basic theoretical system is not based on the scientific theoretical basis, but on the science advocated by Marxism. There are essential differences in learning socialism.
On this basis, a comparative study is made between socialism with Chinese characteristics and democratic socialism, and the conclusion is drawn that democratic socialism is not suitable for contemporary China. It can lead the Chinese people to go up to eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization and realize the communist ideal of common prosperity. This paper makes a comment on democratic socialism, analyzes its historical contribution and limitations, and mainly displays its historical contribution in promoting the development of civil rights and social democracy. It has promoted the stability of capitalist society and international peace and development, and its historical limitations are mainly manifested in the misinterpretation of Marxist basic theoretical viewpoints, the abandonment of the dominant position of public ownership and the inability to solve the drawbacks of capitalism.
On the practical level, it summarizes the achievements of democratic socialism in Western society, explores the practical influence of the practical mode of democratic socialism on social development, and recognizes the limitations of democratic socialism. Practice patterns are summarized and three kinds of practice patterns of democratic socialism are summarized, which are typical practice patterns of democratic socialism in Western Europe, the former practice patterns of utilitarian democratic socialism in eastern Soviet Union, and the practice patterns of indigenous democratic socialism in Asian, African and Latin American countries and regions. It is recognized that democratic socialism, as a kind of movement and practice mode, is uneven in the development of countries all over the world due to different historical reasons and national conditions. Western Europe is mainly a capitalist country in traditional Europe and a people. The birthplace of democratic socialism is deeply rooted in the influence of democratic socialism, forming a typical practice model of democratic socialism. Many social democratic parties have become ruling parties and actively explore the practice model of democratic socialism in their own countries. Therefore, the model of democratic socialism formed is typical; in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe has undergone drastic changes in the Soviet Union. After the disintegration, the Central and Eastern European countries embarked on the path of democratic socialism. Influenced by the original socialist model, the SPD mainly focused on seeking governance as the main goal, and the utilitarianism of political practice was obviously strengthened, forming a practical model of democratic socialism with utilitarian characteristics in Central and Eastern Europe. With the emergence of capitalism in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Latin America have fallen into a deep national crisis and become victims of the struggle of capitalist countries. There is no soil for the development of democratic socialism in Latin America, and the SPD has become a ruling party or a participating party in some countries and regions. This paper sums up some enlightenments from the practice model of democratic socialism to the socialist construction of our country, and enlightens us that we should pay attention to the role of market mechanism and the relationship between the state's macro-control in the socialist economic construction, improve the income distribution system, increase the income of inheritance tax and reduce it. In the construction of social democracy, we should pay attention to the development of socialist democracy, adhere to the general plan of ruling the country according to law, safeguard the rights of citizens, strengthen the construction of a clean government and improve the Party's ruling ability; in the construction of a harmonious society, we should adopt a pragmatic approach, continue to explore the road of reform, and constantly enrich and develop Marxist theory.
According to the needs of the development of the times, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the theory and practice model of democratic socialism, which has certain theoretical value, application value and academic value. Firstly, through the study of the theory and practice model of democratic socialism, we can correctly understand and understand the theoretical system of democratic socialism. And the pursuit of value and the mode of practice help us to understand clearly the principles and policies of the Social Democratic Party in the practice of the theory of democratic socialism, understand its experience and lessons, so that we can avoid detours; help us to correctly look at the theoretical and practical innovations of the Party in recent years, and guard against the repetition of the problem of the socialization of the Communist Party in China, so as to be scientific. A pragmatic attitude to re-examine the positive and negative effects of democratic socialism in practice will help us to innovate the Party's ruling ideas and strengthen the Party's ruling capacity under the new historical conditions. Secondly, through the study of the theory and practice of democratic socialism, we can pay close attention to the practice of democratic socialism around the world. The state's political situation, drawing on the experience and lessons of democratic socialism, comprehensively and profoundly grasps the achievements and defects of the theory of democratic socialism, understands and grasps the development trend of contemporary international politics, and explores the future and destiny of socialism. Thirdly, a comparative study of democratic socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics is conducted from the perspective of guidance. I think that the analysis of the demands of social system, the practice mode of political system and the nature of political parties has made up for some deficiencies in comparative studies in academic circles, deepened the understanding of the theoretical essence of democratic socialism, scientific socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and clarified the current academic and ideological circles on democratic socialism. Finally, the study of the practical mode of democratic socialism will help us to pay close attention to the political status quo of the countries practicing democratic socialism in the world, understand and grasp the development trend of contemporary international politics, and help us understand the great influence of democratic socialism and its scientific society. The challenge of socialism and the formulation of correct policies are of great strategic significance to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They have certain reference value and academic value for scholars to study democratic socialism.
[Abstract]:Democratic Socialism is a theoretical system that emerged at the end of the 19th century and is believed by the Social Democratic Party. It has a common theoretical origin with scientific socialism. The theory of democratic socialism has gradually come into being. Democratic socialism has experienced the development process from theory to practice, from movement to mode, from Europe to the world, and has a wide influence on the world political arena.
Democratic socialism originated in Western Europe, and spread and evolved eastward after its emergence. The Communist Party of Eastern European countries first appeared the phenomenon of "socialization" and "new Marxism"; the Socialist Party of Western Europe and Southern Europe generally believed in democratic socialism; and the "National Party" of Khrushchev and Brezhnev came into being in the Soviet Union. At the same time, democratic socialism spread to Asia, Africa and Latin America, and its influence rose rapidly. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, a number of socialist democracies believed in democratic socialism emerged. With the disintegration of the cold war, the world socialist movement has encountered tremendous challenges. Democratic socialism has posed unprecedented challenges to the traditional scientific socialism, and the Socialist Party has constantly occupied the position of the Communist Party.
In recent years, there has been a fierce confrontation in the theoretical circles of China over the nature of democratic socialism and the relationship between democratic socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics. This discussion on democratic socialism is not a purely academic controversy, but a heated debate on whether China will choose to be a socialism with Chinese characteristics or a socialism with democracy. It is an ideological debate with realistic political significance, whose direct political value is directed at the question of China's development path, that is, where China will go. Is it necessary to continue to adhere to and improve the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics unswervingly, or change the course of the debate? To evaluate democratic socialism, this paper takes the classical literature of democratic socialism as the starting point and research basis, and makes a thorough study of democratic socialism in combination with the practice of democratic socialism, trying to deepen the understanding of democratic socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
This paper mainly takes the "view of improvement" of democratic socialism as the main line, insists on taking Marxism as the guidance, comprehensively uses the relevant knowledge of history, politics, sociology, economics and so on, uses the analytical methods of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, comparative research methods, case law and other research methods to study democratic socialism. Through combing the basic theory, ideological origin, essential characteristics and development process of democratic socialism, this paper explores the different social practice modes of democratic socialism in different countries and regions, and tries to reveal the experience and social limitations of the practice mode of democratic socialism, as well as the Democratic society. The mode of meeting and practice is of reference significance to the socialist construction of our country, and attempts to make innovations in the study of democratic socialism from both theoretical and practical levels.
Summarize and sort out the basic theoretical system, ideological sources and essential characteristics of democratic socialism on the theoretical level, think that democratic socialism has the characteristics of pluralism in the basic values, advocate the neutrality of world outlook and pluralism of guiding ideology, oppose the only ideological and theoretical system as the guiding ideology, and in the economic theory side. On the one hand, he advocates economic democracy, abandons the appeal of public ownership, implements mixed ownership economy, adopts the distribution system of high welfare and the economic democratic model of workers'participation in decision-making; on the other hand, he advocates political democracy, recognizes and supports the neutral and super-class national attribute of modern capitalist countries, and believes in the realization of socialism. The premise is to recognize the legitimacy of the state system, advocate the political system of multi-party system and parliamentary republic, gradually make the modern capitalist countries into socialist countries through democratic means and improved methods; advocate international democracy in the political theory of international issues and global affairs, and regard the Social Democratic Party as the foundation of pursuit. The basic goal is to pursue world peace and prosperity and establish a world of peace and freedom. It is concluded that democratic socialism is essentially a system of capitalist reformism, and its basic theoretical system is not based on the scientific theoretical basis, but on the science advocated by Marxism. There are essential differences in learning socialism.
On this basis, a comparative study is made between socialism with Chinese characteristics and democratic socialism, and the conclusion is drawn that democratic socialism is not suitable for contemporary China. It can lead the Chinese people to go up to eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization and realize the communist ideal of common prosperity. This paper makes a comment on democratic socialism, analyzes its historical contribution and limitations, and mainly displays its historical contribution in promoting the development of civil rights and social democracy. It has promoted the stability of capitalist society and international peace and development, and its historical limitations are mainly manifested in the misinterpretation of Marxist basic theoretical viewpoints, the abandonment of the dominant position of public ownership and the inability to solve the drawbacks of capitalism.
On the practical level, it summarizes the achievements of democratic socialism in Western society, explores the practical influence of the practical mode of democratic socialism on social development, and recognizes the limitations of democratic socialism. Practice patterns are summarized and three kinds of practice patterns of democratic socialism are summarized, which are typical practice patterns of democratic socialism in Western Europe, the former practice patterns of utilitarian democratic socialism in eastern Soviet Union, and the practice patterns of indigenous democratic socialism in Asian, African and Latin American countries and regions. It is recognized that democratic socialism, as a kind of movement and practice mode, is uneven in the development of countries all over the world due to different historical reasons and national conditions. Western Europe is mainly a capitalist country in traditional Europe and a people. The birthplace of democratic socialism is deeply rooted in the influence of democratic socialism, forming a typical practice model of democratic socialism. Many social democratic parties have become ruling parties and actively explore the practice model of democratic socialism in their own countries. Therefore, the model of democratic socialism formed is typical; in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe has undergone drastic changes in the Soviet Union. After the disintegration, the Central and Eastern European countries embarked on the path of democratic socialism. Influenced by the original socialist model, the SPD mainly focused on seeking governance as the main goal, and the utilitarianism of political practice was obviously strengthened, forming a practical model of democratic socialism with utilitarian characteristics in Central and Eastern Europe. With the emergence of capitalism in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Latin America have fallen into a deep national crisis and become victims of the struggle of capitalist countries. There is no soil for the development of democratic socialism in Latin America, and the SPD has become a ruling party or a participating party in some countries and regions. This paper sums up some enlightenments from the practice model of democratic socialism to the socialist construction of our country, and enlightens us that we should pay attention to the role of market mechanism and the relationship between the state's macro-control in the socialist economic construction, improve the income distribution system, increase the income of inheritance tax and reduce it. In the construction of social democracy, we should pay attention to the development of socialist democracy, adhere to the general plan of ruling the country according to law, safeguard the rights of citizens, strengthen the construction of a clean government and improve the Party's ruling ability; in the construction of a harmonious society, we should adopt a pragmatic approach, continue to explore the road of reform, and constantly enrich and develop Marxist theory.
According to the needs of the development of the times, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the theory and practice model of democratic socialism, which has certain theoretical value, application value and academic value. Firstly, through the study of the theory and practice model of democratic socialism, we can correctly understand and understand the theoretical system of democratic socialism. And the pursuit of value and the mode of practice help us to understand clearly the principles and policies of the Social Democratic Party in the practice of the theory of democratic socialism, understand its experience and lessons, so that we can avoid detours; help us to correctly look at the theoretical and practical innovations of the Party in recent years, and guard against the repetition of the problem of the socialization of the Communist Party in China, so as to be scientific. A pragmatic attitude to re-examine the positive and negative effects of democratic socialism in practice will help us to innovate the Party's ruling ideas and strengthen the Party's ruling capacity under the new historical conditions. Secondly, through the study of the theory and practice of democratic socialism, we can pay close attention to the practice of democratic socialism around the world. The state's political situation, drawing on the experience and lessons of democratic socialism, comprehensively and profoundly grasps the achievements and defects of the theory of democratic socialism, understands and grasps the development trend of contemporary international politics, and explores the future and destiny of socialism. Thirdly, a comparative study of democratic socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics is conducted from the perspective of guidance. I think that the analysis of the demands of social system, the practice mode of political system and the nature of political parties has made up for some deficiencies in comparative studies in academic circles, deepened the understanding of the theoretical essence of democratic socialism, scientific socialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and clarified the current academic and ideological circles on democratic socialism. Finally, the study of the practical mode of democratic socialism will help us to pay close attention to the political status quo of the countries practicing democratic socialism in the world, understand and grasp the development trend of contemporary international politics, and help us understand the great influence of democratic socialism and its scientific society. The challenge of socialism and the formulation of correct policies are of great strategic significance to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They have certain reference value and academic value for scholars to study democratic socialism.
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