[Abstract]:With the great change of class situation, the real meaning of class concept and the applicable domain of class analysis need to be adjusted accordingly. Although the criteria and basis for class division are more complex and pluralistic, not only are their fundamental maintenance still the form and relationship of possession of the means of production, but also if they do not adhere to the objective of eliminating the class itself, Any talk about class matters is meaningless. It is mainly based on the reality that the proletariat gains political power and the global technological progress. It is necessary to theoretically understand and clarify the new class conditions such as the national class, the inter-state class and the class factor. The changing reality and the corresponding new problems are directly related to the scientific nature and applicable target of the class analysis. Its core problem mainly refers in theory to how to create the logic of eliminating the class. In practice, it mainly refers to how to understand and deal with the role of class relations in social metabolism and the development of human civilization.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学马克思主义学院;北京师范大学政府管理学院;
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