[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the main contents and characteristics of Wang Anshi's theory of sex, the relationship between Wang Anshi's nature and his political ideal, and the reason why his theory of sex is not attached importance to. Wang Anshi's theory of sex is centered on the question of good and evil of nature, and reviews the theory of human nature of the forefathers as the basic document. It discusses from six aspects: sex and form, nature and life, sex and heart, sex and emotion, sex and habit and harmony, and etiquette and music. He thinks that sex can not speak of good or evil, or that sex contains both good and evil, and that nature can be divided into positive and wrong; or he emphasizes that all people have good and even hold on to the good. Wang Anshi's views on sexual judgment and sexual good and evil are confused, or even contradictory. This formed the first characteristic of Wang Anshi's theory of sex, and, at the same time, Wang Anshi's theory of sex had a strong realistic orientation, and finally pointed to the political ideal of "three generations of law". Wang Anshi's theory of sex is an important part of his thought of "inner sanctity", which is the basis of his political ideal. Because of the limitation of Wang Anshi's theory of sex (there is less discussion on the theory of nature and lack of consistency between the former and the former), the theory of sex is in the position of being important but marginal in his whole thought system. However, the court denied Wang Anshi and his studies after the Southern Crossing of the Song Dynasty, and Taoists emphasized the "unenlightened way" of Wang Anshi and refuted it as a pseudo-Confucianism and Buddhism. In the end, it caused Wang Anshi's theory of sex to be dark and inconspicuous.
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