[Abstract]:Enlightening thought is an important part of Chen Duxiu's thought, and an indispensable part of studying Chen Duxiu's thought systematically and completely. Because Chen Duxiu grew up in the complex and changeable times of modern China, his thoughts also developed and progressed with the change of historical environment. Owing to the particularity of his personal life experience, Chen Duxiu's ideological factors include Chinese traditional thought, reform and reform thought, western bourgeois democratic scientific thought and Marxist thought. The influence of these different factors on Chen Duxiu in different periods is not the same. Throughout the development of Chen Duxiu's enlightenment thought, it has undergone the transformation from reformism to radical democracy and then to Marxism. This transformation of Chen Duxiu's enlightenment thought was changed along with the change of the dual tasks of enlightenment and revolution in modern China. At the moment of national crisis, Chen Duxiu moved from ideological enlightenment to the road of political revolution. Democracy and science are the most important contents of Chen Duxiu's enlightenment thought. When the false democracy of the bourgeoisie was exposed to him thoroughly, he chose the new advanced thought of proletarian democracy, and hoped to use it to raise the ethical consciousness of the working class and awaken the class consciousness of the working class. In the whole sense, Chen Duxiu's enlightenment thought had an important influence on the national consciousness of the masses and the early leading cadres of the Party. To some extent, he even influenced the whole development of modern China.
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