发布时间:2018-10-15 13:48
【摘要】:20世纪90年代以后的西方生态社会主义思想是在对20世纪90年代以前生态社会主义思想或批判、或承继、或发展的基础上形成的。高兹、萨卡、奥康纳、福斯特、佩珀等人仍然坚定不移地把生态危机归结于资本主义制度,但是他们更注重在全球化背景下从资本主义的生产方式、资本的无限扩张和资源的有限性之间的矛盾等方面揭示资本的反生态本质,深刻地批判了在资本主义全球化时代产生的生态帝国主义的野蛮行径和生态恶果,充分地论证了当代资本主义试图以可再生资源替代不可再生资源、生态税、污染许可证制度、生态技术、生态工业、非物质化生产、自然的商品化等手段实现生态现代化的不可行性。高兹、萨卡、奥康纳等人还深刻批判了苏联模式的社会主义的生态灾难及其原因如增长的极限、经济理性、中央集权体制等等,最终以不同的方式充分论证了生态社会主义作为解决生态危机的未来社会前景的必要性和基本特征,如高兹主张在社会主义生产方式之上构建以生态理性为宗旨的生态社会主义;萨卡由于对资本主义制度和苏联模式社会主义的双重失望而构想“稳态的”生态社会主义;奥康纳在充分论证社会主义和生态学的内在一致性基础上主张构建“交换价值从属于使用价值和分配性正义从属于生产性正义”的生态社会主义;佩珀在批判绿色政治的后现代主义特性的基础上主张构建“重返人类中心主义”的生态社会主义;福斯特主张通过生态社会革命构建社会公正与生态公正相统一的生态社会主义。尽管高兹等代表人物的思想各有千秋,但是他们有许多较为一致的关于生态社会主义的思想。例如,在生态社会主义社会的价值目标上,当代西方生态社会主义者明确主张构建生态和谐和社会公正相统一的未来社会。在生态社会主义社会模式的构建上,生态社会主义强调经济正义、环境正义和社会正义相统一,实现经济的绿色发展;构建“扬弃地方性的直接民主、自由民主的政治形式以及官僚体制”,具有新型民主的国家;塑造遵守生态律令和土地伦理的生态文化;反对利益共同体和生态共同体,主张构建一个由“统一的、和谐的人”组成的人道主义共同体社会。在实现生态社会主义的途径上,当代西方大多数生态社会主义者主张社会变革主体的多元化,深入分析了“红绿联盟”的必要性、可行性、机遇和挑战。 当代西方生态社会主义在苏东剧变后既反对传统社会主义的僵化体制,也反对发达国家社会民主思潮中只谈价值不谈“两个必然”的倾向,在全球化背景下坚持社会主义的信仰,并结合时代特征对社会主义的价值内涵进行了新的诠释。当代西方生态社会主义还全面捍卫现代性,拒斥环境保护运动中反主体、反本质、反科学和理性等后现代主义倾向,为绿色运动指明了未来路向。当然,在社会主义革命主体、革命手段和未来社会构想等方面存在诸多缺陷和乌托邦成分,当代西方生态社会主义与科学社会主义有着本质区别。 当代西方生态社会主义思想给中国在现阶段建设生态文明的启示是:既不能为了生态文明牺牲工业文明,回到穷乡僻壤的社会;也不能牺牲工业文明去实现现代化,走西方发达国家“先污染,后治理”的老路;也不可以像西方发达国家那样把环境破坏的负面效应向其他国家“转移”、“转嫁”。在建设生态文明的战略选择上,中国应该实施“以生态为导向的新型现代化战略”即通过经济现代化和社会现代化的生态转型,实现经济发展、社会进步与环境友好的有机统一。同时,要把生态文明建设充分融入到经济建设、政治建设、文化建设和社会建设等中去。
[Abstract]:The western eco-socialism thought of the 1990s was formed on the basis of ecological socialism thought or criticism, or inheritance, or development of the 1990s. High-zi, Salka, Odom, Foster, Pepper and others remain steadfast in attributing the ecological crisis to the capitalist system, but they are more focused on the capitalist mode of production in the context of globalization, The contradiction between the unlimited expansion of capital and the development of resources reveals the anti-ecological essence of capital, and profoundly criticizes the brutal practices and ecological conditions of ecological imperialism arising from the era of capitalist globalization. The feasibility of modern capitalism to realize ecological modernization by means of renewable resources instead of non-renewable resources, ecological tax, pollution permit system, ecological technology, ecological industry, non-materialization production and natural commercialization is fully demonstrated. We also deeply criticized the Soviet model's ecological disaster and its causes, such as the limit of growth, the economic rationality, the social security system and so on. Finally, the necessity and basic characteristics of eco-socialism as the future social prospect for solving ecological crisis are fully demonstrated in different ways. As a result of the double disappointment of the capitalist system and the Soviet model socialism, Sanka conceived the 鈥渟teady-state鈥,
[Abstract]:The western eco-socialism thought of the 1990s was formed on the basis of ecological socialism thought or criticism, or inheritance, or development of the 1990s. High-zi, Salka, Odom, Foster, Pepper and others remain steadfast in attributing the ecological crisis to the capitalist system, but they are more focused on the capitalist mode of production in the context of globalization, The contradiction between the unlimited expansion of capital and the development of resources reveals the anti-ecological essence of capital, and profoundly criticizes the brutal practices and ecological conditions of ecological imperialism arising from the era of capitalist globalization. The feasibility of modern capitalism to realize ecological modernization by means of renewable resources instead of non-renewable resources, ecological tax, pollution permit system, ecological technology, ecological industry, non-materialization production and natural commercialization is fully demonstrated. We also deeply criticized the Soviet model's ecological disaster and its causes, such as the limit of growth, the economic rationality, the social security system and so on. Finally, the necessity and basic characteristics of eco-socialism as the future social prospect for solving ecological crisis are fully demonstrated in different ways. As a result of the double disappointment of the capitalist system and the Soviet model socialism, Sanka conceived the 鈥渟teady-state鈥,