[Abstract]:Neoliberalism is the most influential trend of thought in western society since the 20th century. At present, the domestic academic circles mostly regard it as an economic trend of thought, which has a big gap with the neoliberal countries in judging. It is necessary to grasp the development of neoliberalism in an all-round way, to prove its harm with realistic data, to expose its essence through theoretical analysis, and to correctly recognize neoliberalism from the height of ideological attributes. The author holds that neoliberalism, with the Austrian school as its mother and the road to slavery as its charter, has had an anti-socialist innate gene since its birth. In the "stagflation crisis" of the 1970s, neoliberalism achieved its first victory as an economic trend. "Reagan-Thatcher Doctrine" and "Washington consensus" politicized neoliberalism. The wave of privatization in Latin America and the failure of shock therapy in Russia present a practical tragedy of neoliberalism. The theoretical fallacies of neoliberalism include: completely marketization, absolute liberalization and complete privatization in economy, negation of public ownership and socialism in politics, and globalization in culture. Analyzing its essence, neoliberalism is the mainstream ideology of western countries which is incompatible with socialist ideology, and its plot is to monopolize the bourgeoisie to seek cultural hegemony in China and peaceful evolution in the world. The spread of neoliberalism in China has posed a threat to socialist ideology. Socialism is the choice of history and people in China, the erosion of neoliberalism is against the will of the people, and the safety of socialist ideology is related to the success or failure of the great dream of renaissance and whether we can go further. The importance of strengthening the education of socialist ideology makes us think about the focus of the education of socialist ideology, and adhere to the mainstream ideology to guide and grasp the Party members and cadres, the social elite, The ideological education of the three groups of college students is the most important.
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