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发布时间:2018-10-24 22:34
[Abstract]:By studying western political philosophy, Strauss formed his own set of modern ideas. He not only carefully analyzed the formation of the Western concept of modernity, but also systematically summed up the three waves of modernity. Strauss believes that the essence of modernity is nihilism. In the process of analyzing the first wave of modernity, Strauss equates Hobbes and Locke with the concept of natural rights. From his perspective of modernity, he thinks that Locke's political philosophy is full of the identity of Hobbes' thought, and the two thoughts have innate consistency. In dealing with the problem of modernity, he resorted to the tradition of classical political philosophy and pointed out that the crux of the problem of modernity lies in the rebellion of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Locke against tradition by analyzing the characteristics of various thinkers in the period of religious reform. He holds that Locke's political philosophy is based on the natural rights and contracts of nothingness, and concludes that Locke's thought is a complete negation and reform of classical political philosophy. In addition, he believes that Hobbes grafted freedom and power, forming the modern breakage of classical liberal tradition, which led to Locke's rejection of tradition. After careful study and comparison, the author thinks that Strauss' interpretation of Locke's political philosophy is one-sided. On the one hand, Hobbes and Locke's concept of natural rights is not completely consistent. First, Hobbes values rights themselves, while Locke values the effective qualification of rights. Secondly, on the basis of natural rights, Hobbes is keen on human passion, highlighting the evil of human nature, while Locke thinks that human beings are good, but they also agree that there is a good side to cooperation; and thirdly, Hobbes reconciles the two in the understanding of the relationship between natural law and natural rights. Locke distinguishes the natural law from the natural right, thinks that the natural right is prior to the natural law, and holds that the natural law originates from the natural right. On the other hand, the development of medieval political thought contains two different ways, one is the politics of religious power, the other is the politics of Wang Quan. The fact that the individual is a unity of religion and secular is well followed by Hobbes and Locke. Especially Hobbes, it was from him that the modern political philosophy thought always contained the core idea of individualism, this individual is inherited from the classical, is born out of the modern individual, thus, Hobbes and Locke's political philosophy is full of personal core elements of traditional political philosophy.


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