[Abstract]:Since modern times, religious reform and the secularization movement initiated by the Renaissance have made people begin to re-examine the nature of human beings and their status in the world. Hobbes drew on the methods of modern science. Combining the mode of philosophical thinking and combining and applying the two to his own political studies, the theory of commonwealth was constructed, which was the first logical correctness of modern thinkers, which had the significance of turning from tradition to modern times. The first person to discuss a complete form of political philosophy. Under the influence of Hobbes, Locke concretely rationalized the application of the concept of commonwealth, and made clear that the connotation of the concept is the connotation of government, thus becoming the symbol of modern government. This paper takes commonwealth as the main research object, this concept is clearly expressed in Hobbes' and Locke's political science works, it clearly defines the symbol of the transformation from traditional political philosophy to modern political philosophy. And it contains the ideological origin of modern political design and the reason of modern political and legal thought. Hobbes, though not the cocreator of the word, gave it a reasonable and profound political connotation. He was a pioneer of modern political philosophy. His logical reasoning and theoretical deduction in the thought of political philosophy influenced the basic thinking of Locke's political research, which made Locke regard commonwealth as the ultimate goal of the construction of his political system. However, the great differences in language between China and the United Kingdom have led to differences in the way of thinking and the perspective of investigation. So the concept of commonwealth is often translated according to the needs of the different viewpoints stated in domestic studies, which are translated into countries, governments, etc. Community, federation, etc. This is not conducive to the analysis of the transformation from traditional politics to modern politics, so this paper hopes that the meaning of the word commonwealth can be clearly expressed in the choice of the title, and that no clear Chinese translation of the word can be made in order to avoid further misunderstanding. This paper attempts to find out the expectations of the political civilization that Hobbes and Locke pour into the concept of commonwealth and to understand how this concept lays the theoretical foundation for the development of human politics towards civilization. And become the basic symbol of promoting the transformation of traditional political philosophy to modern political philosophy. Finally, compared with the current situation of the government function and responsibility in our country, the conclusion can be used for reference in the government construction in order to promote the reform of political system and the transformation of government function in our country. There are four parts as follows: the first part explains the significance of this topic, the domestic and foreign research status, the basic framework of the article. The second part explains that commonwealth should be understood as government, and that it is clear from both ends and means that individuals voluntarily relinquish their rights to form commonwealth. in order to finally achieve common wealth. The third part mainly discusses the influence of commonwealth on contemporary political philosophy and government theory, and makes it clear that we should subtract too much state intervention and government expansion according to the requirements of commonwealth, and apply this conclusion to the construction of modern government in our country. The fourth part is a summary of the article, carrying out the basic requirements of commonwealth in the construction of service-oriented government in China.
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