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发布时间:2019-01-05 01:41
【摘要】:塞拉利昂的宪政发展较为典型的反应了非洲宪政发展的状况。塞拉利昂的首都弗里敦曾是英国在西非的第一个殖民据点。为了维护其统治,英国从20世纪20年代开始在塞拉利昂推行宪政改革,但并不成功。1961年,塞拉利昂获得独立。通过近半个世纪的宪政摸索,塞拉利昂宪政历经继承模仿、变革适应和转型发展等三个时期,才最终确立以多党制和三权分立等为原则的宪政制度。具体说来,独立初期,继续留在英联邦内的塞拉利昂继承了威斯敏斯特模式的宪政原则,比如:强调分权制衡原则的运用,行政权力的主导以及代议制与政党制度的实施等。此外,这一时期的塞拉利昂还创制了具有新特点的宪政制度。其在议会构成、元首权限、司法审查、政党作用等方面都已不同于传统的威斯敏斯特模式了。1971年,塞拉利昂转型为共和国。这一时期的塞拉利昂宪政制度由“一党独大”转变为彻底的“一党制”,此外,总统权力空前突显,三权分立的原则遭受重创。斯蒂文斯总统退休之后,塞拉利昂重归多党制。步入20世纪90年代,塞拉利昂政局历经骚乱,在国际社会干预下,才逐渐稳定。虽然屡遭战乱,但塞拉利昂至今沿用了1991年宪法。2002年,塞拉利昂实现国内和平,塞拉利昂宪政进入成熟发展期。这一时期塞拉利昂宪政的特点突出表现在对多党制度的重建和对总统权力的限制。 总体说来,塞拉利昂宪政发展体现了四大特点,即:强调国家主权、三权分立、多党制与选举制,以及对宪法修改的控制。在新世纪,塞拉利昂现行宪政制度是否能够为塞拉利昂持续的稳定与和平保驾护航,目前的情况并不明朗。
[Abstract]:The constitutional development in Sierra Leone is a typical reflection of the constitutional development in Africa. Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, was Britain's first colonial stronghold in West Africa. To preserve its rule, Britain began to introduce constitutional reforms in Sierra Leone in the 1920s, but not successfully. Sierra Leone gained independence in 1961. After nearly half a century of constitutional exploration, Sierra Leone's constitutionalism has gone through three periods: inheritance and imitation, transformation and adaptation, and transformation and development, before finally establishing the constitutional system based on the principle of multiparty system and separation of powers. Specifically, in the early days of independence, Sierra Leone, which remained in the Commonwealth, inherited the constitutional principles of the Westminster model, such as the emphasis on the use of the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances, the dominance of executive power, and the implementation of representative and party systems. In addition, Sierra Leone during this period also created a constitutional system with new characteristics. It is different from the traditional Westminster model in terms of parliamentary composition, head of state authority, judicial review, party role, etc. In 1971, Sierra Leone was transformed into a republic. In this period, the constitutional system of Sierra Leone changed from "one party dominating" to "one party system". In addition, the power of the president was unprecedented highlighted, and the principle of separation of three powers was severely damaged. After President Stevens retired, Sierra Leone returned to a multi-party system. In the 1990 s, Sierra Leone experienced riots and international intervention before gradually stabilizing. Despite repeated wars, Sierra Leone has still adopted the 1991 constitution. In 2002, Sierra Leone achieved domestic peace, and Sierra Leone's constitutionalism entered a mature stage of development. The constitutional characteristics of Sierra Leone during this period are the reconstruction of multi-party system and the restriction of the power of the president. In general, the constitutional development of Sierra Leone embodies four characteristics, namely, the emphasis on national sovereignty, separation of powers, multiparty system and electoral system, and control over constitutional amendments. In the new century, it is not clear whether the current constitutional system in Sierra Leone can guarantee the continued stability and peace of Sierra Leone.


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