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发布时间:2019-01-09 01:39
[Abstract]:I mean to live here and miss there in my heart. However, for the members of the Corps, in Zishun Ju, they expressed strong approval and feeling for the place where they are now living, obvious feelings at the local level, and at the same time, they had a certain imagination of the hometown of their parents. Have a certain sense of home recognition. The Xinjiang production and Construction Corps was formed after the founding of the people's Republic of China. It is of great significance to defend the country and maintain the stability of the frontier. From completion to development, the regiment still bears the responsibility of guarding and building Xinjiang. Looking back at history, the migration of the Corps under the control of national policies can reflect the historical background and changing factors of each migration. In the background of a certain period, these people with special mission came to the deserted and strange place, began their different life experience, and with the passage of time, they also left a deep impression on the land of the regiment. With the help of oral materials, this paper takes the two families of the Corps to which the author belongs, records the different life experiences of the three generations of soldiers from an intergenerational perspective, presents three generations of different soldiers' identification, under the influence of national policy and local power. Reflect the social characteristics of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps. The description and analysis of the life experiences of the three generations of the bingtuan show that their identity is reflected in: identity change, educational innovation, professional nature, group relationship, diet festival, center and border, military reclamation culture, etc. The model of problems outside the Corps is analyzed according to the specific examples of the two regiments in each generation. Finally, it is concluded that with the push of state regulation and control and the government's pull on the reform of the policy of the Corps, in order to better adapt to the changes in the bingtuan society, the people of each generation reidentify their identities and feel the diversity of educational forms. The diversity of career positioning and choice, the distribution of diet by each generation in the food festival, the necessity of ethnic interaction, and the contrast between the development of the central and border farms, And how the people outside the Corps treat the development of the bingtuan society, and analyze the feelings of the three generations of soldiers "in ZhongniJu", reflect the identification of the bingtuan people, and present the changes of the bingtuan society. This paper enriches the social materials of the bingtuan and provides a reference for understanding the present situation of the bingtuan, hoping to do its best for the development of the bingtuan in Xinjiang.


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