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发布时间:2019-04-19 01:17
【摘要】:宗族现象在中国由来已久,而宗族在当代中国的复兴也已经是不可争辩的事实,并对村治产生着深远的影响。本文从总体上把握宗族的发展状况,全面观察和深入了解宗族在当今的社会文化背景下对于村治的影响,尤其是宗族对于基层民主选举的作用和影响,以期对当今农村的民主现代化进程和和谐农村建设产生一定的现实意义。 本文除了绪论和结语外,共分为三部分。第一部分,对宗族做了界定,并指明了宗族对村治的影响的原因。第二部分,探究了宗族对于基层民主选举的影响,主要是从宗族影响的途径方式,宗族影响的动力和对宗族影响村民选举的评价和分析三个方面进行了探析。第三部分提出来对于宗族影响村治的对策和思考,本文认为,实现宗族传统与现代的融合,实现由传统走向现代是当代宗族的最佳选择。在结语中,笔者对本文进行了归纳总结,并指出本文的局限和不足,希望得到批评指正。 本文分析了我国现代化背景下的宗族现象,指出改革开放后复兴的宗族对于我国的村治产生了多方面的影响,进而从文化、心理、经济、政治等多个角度对现代化背景下宗族的复兴进行了探析,指出对于当今的宗族我们不应该简单的否定,而是根据当今宗族的内在特点和规律,最大限度的减少其负面影响,并从经济发展、政策法律完善等方面入手,在社会发展中逐渐的实现宗族的最终消亡
[Abstract]:Clan phenomenon has a long history in China, and the revival of clan in contemporary China is an indisputable fact, and has a far-reaching impact on village governance. In this paper, we can grasp the development of clans in general, observe and deeply understand the influence of clans on village governance under the current social and cultural background, especially the role and influence of clans on democratic elections at the grass-roots level. In order to have certain realistic significance to the democratic modernization process and the harmonious rural construction in the countryside today. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, the author defines the clan and points out the reason why the clan influences the village rule. The second part probes into the influence of clan on grass-roots democratic election, mainly from three aspects: the way of clan influence, the motive force of clan influence and the evaluation and analysis of clan influence on villagers' election. In the third part, the author puts forward the countermeasures and thoughts on the influence of clan on village governance. It is considered that the best choice for contemporary clan is to realize the integration of clan tradition and modernity, and to realize the transition from tradition to modernity. In the conclusion, the author summarizes this paper, and points out the limitations and shortcomings of this paper, hoping to get criticism and correction. This paper analyzes the patriarchal phenomenon under the background of modernization of our country, points out that the clan revived after the reform and opening up has had many influences on the village governance of our country, and then from the aspects of culture, psychology and economy, This paper probes into the revival of clan under the background of modernization from many angles, such as politics, and points out that we should not simply deny the clan today, but reduce its negative influence to the maximum extent according to the inherent characteristics and laws of today's clan. And from the aspects of economic development, perfect policies and laws and so on, gradually realize the ultimate demise of the clan in the social development.


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