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发布时间:2019-06-05 20:35
【摘要】:正当与善的关系问题是贯穿西方近代以来政治哲学的一条主线,围绕正当与善何者优先,近代以来的政治哲学大体形成了两条互不相同但也相互影响的探究理路。在这个问题上,罗尔斯持正当优先于善的立场。但在他关于正当与善的关系问题的整体讨论中,正当原则的优先性只是问题的一个方面,除此之外,善概念的完善也是正当原则得以明确的前提之一。因此,这一关系问题在另一方面又体现出某种一致性。但,关于正当与善之关系问题的一致性方面的讨论,并没有得到国内学界应有的重视。从而给正当与善之关系问题的研究带来一定程度的简单化倾向。我们认为,事实恰恰相反,正当与善的一致性并非罗尔斯正义理论的附属,而是其重要组成部分,它的存在使得正当与善的关系问题变得复杂,也深刻地影响着罗尔斯思想的整个理论进路。 同时,这一关系问题的复杂性随之带来罗尔斯对正当优先性的稳定性论证的不同模式,本文认为,稳定性论证的模式在罗尔斯正义理论中可分为两种:道德稳定性和社会稳定性。这两种论证模式在罗尔斯前后期思想中相互交织,并提供了深入而全面把握罗尔斯思想转变的一个独特视角,本文即就稳定性的两种论证模式入手,力图展现这两种模式之间的关系以及罗尔斯思想转变的必然性与合理性。 本文共分三章。第一章简要论及正当与善这一对范畴的内在含义以及二者关系在整个近代政治哲学史上的主要发展进路,以期展现其关系史的大体理论面貌,进而提出罗尔斯直接面临的理论问题。第二章则主要讨论罗尔斯在其前期思想中对这一问题的主要理解,这一章主要分三部分,首先展现罗尔斯正当优先于善的契约论前提;接着讨论罗尔斯前期思想中正当优先于善的具体方式和内容;最后则是阐述正当优先于善的稳定性论证并指出《正义论》中所涉及的稳定性主要是一种道德稳定性。第三章的内容是罗尔斯后期对这一关系的基本看法以及相对前期而言的理论修正,该章亦分三部分。首先,阐述从良序社会到多元民主社会的理论演进;其次,在这种理论演进的前提下考察其对正当与善这一对范畴的重新界定和相互关系的再诠释;最后,指出《政治自由主义》中的稳定性大体上属于一种社会稳定性,将其与道德稳定性区分,以此为前提再行对政治自由主义语境下的正当优先于善的合理性进行论证。最后,就罗尔斯对正当对善的优先性的基本结论及其理论转向作一简要评论。
[Abstract]:The relationship between appropriateness and goodness is a main line running through the political philosophy of the West since modern times. Around the priority between justice and goodness, the political philosophy since modern times has generally formed two different but also interactive inquiry ways. Rawls takes a legitimate priority over good on this issue. However, in his overall discussion on the relationship between justice and good, the priority of due principle is only one aspect of the problem. In addition, the perfection of the concept of good is also one of the prerequisites for the clarity of the principle of justice. Therefore, this relationship problem on the other hand reflects a certain degree of consistency. However, the discussion on the consistency of the relationship between justice and good has not been paid due attention to by the domestic academic circles. Thus, it brings a certain degree of simplification to the study of the relationship between justice and good. We believe that, on the contrary, the consistency between legitimacy and good is not an attachment to Rawls' theory of justice, but an important part of it, and its existence complicates the relationship between justice and good. It also deeply affects the whole theoretical approach of Rawls' thought. At the same time, the complexity of this relationship brings about different models of Rawls' argument on the stability of legitimate priority. The model of stability argumentation can be divided into two kinds in Rawls justice theory: moral stability and social stability. These two argumentation models are intertwined in Rawls' thoughts before and after Rawls' thought, and provide a unique perspective to grasp Rawls' ideological transformation in an in-depth and comprehensive way. this paper starts with the two kinds of argumentation modes of stability. Try to show the relationship between the two models and the necessity and rationality of Rawls' ideological transformation. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter briefly discusses the inherent meaning of the two categories of justice and goodness and the main development of their relationship in the whole history of modern political philosophy, in order to show the general theoretical appearance of their relationship history. Then the theoretical problems that Rawls faces directly are put forward. The second chapter mainly discusses Rawls' main understanding of this problem in his early thought. This chapter is divided into three parts. First of all, it shows the premise of Rawls' contract theory that Rawls takes precedence over good. Then it discusses the concrete ways and contents of giving priority to justice over good in Rawls' early thought; finally, it expounds the stability argument that justice takes precedence over good and points out that the stability involved in Justice Theory is mainly a kind of moral stability. The third chapter is the basic view of Rawls on this relationship in the later stage and the theoretical revision compared with the previous period, which is also divided into three parts. First of all, it expounds the theoretical evolution from a well-ordered society to a pluralistic democratic society. Secondly, under the premise of this theoretical evolution, it examines its redefinition of the two categories of justice and goodness and the reinterpretation of the relationship between them. Finally, it is pointed out that the stability in political liberalism belongs to a kind of social stability, which distinguishes it from moral stability, and then demonstrates the rationality of giving priority to good in the context of political liberalism. Finally, this paper makes a brief comment on Rawls' basic conclusion and theoretical turn on the priority of due regard to good.


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