[Abstract]:In Section 40 of the Theory of Justice, "Kant interpretation as Fairness and Justice", Rawls provides a metaphysical "Kant interpretation" for his theory of justice. And discusses the relationship between their own principle of justice and Kant's moral philosophy from many aspects. Starting from Kant's moral philosophical works such as moral metaphysical basis and practical rational criticism, and following Rawls' train of thought, this paper reinterprets the relationship between Kant and Rawls more carefully and deeply from the text level. It is intended to show that the original state theory in Rawls' principle of justice (including the curtain of ignorance, the hypothesis of mutual indifference motivation and the concept of Noumenon self) and Kant's moral self-discipline. And there is an internal relationship between the basic good theory and Kant's absolute command, which is manifested by the discussion of the distinction between self-discipline and heteronomy, hypothetical command and definite order in Kant's philosophy. At the end of this section, Rawls puts forward two main points about the difference between himself and Kant's philosophy: first, the problem of "we" rather than the question of "I"; and second, the necessity of basic good in the environment of justice. The purpose of this paper is to point out that Rawls' transcendence of these two points to Kant has its reasonableness under the premise of serving his theory of justice: in order to discuss the problem of social justice, it is necessary to deviate from some details of Kant's moral philosophy. However, in the second discussion on basic good, Rawls' basic good theory is still debatable: Rawls' basic good theory is to indicate people's commonness and reality, but does this commonness have real universality? Are these basic goodness "basic"? Nagle's criticism answers these questions and shows that these theoretical flaws make Rawls' Kant explanation unconvincing: if the basic good theory underpinned by the principle of justice is not convincing, Then Rawls' Kant explanation is untenable. Nowadays, people do not believe in metaphysics more and more, it seems that it is a better way out that a kind of justice theory is no longer based on metaphysics.
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