本文关键词: 宋代 浙江 进士 科举 出处:《安徽师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the Song Dynasty, Zhejiang had a high level of economic development, a flourishing culture and education, and a large number of scholars and talented people emerged. This paper mainly takes Zhejiang Jinshi in Song Dynasty as the research object, and takes the development of the imperial examinations in the Song Dynasty as the background. On the basis of examining the quantity and regional distribution of Zhejiang Jinshi in different historical periods, this paper makes a general evaluation on the development of the imperial examination of Zhejiang and the situation of the Jin Shi in the Song Dynasty. Finally, the paper summarizes the development trend and characteristics of Zhejiang jinshi in the two Song dynasties. Finally, it analyzes the reasons for the emergence of Zhejiang jinshi and the prosperity of imperial examination from five aspects. It is divided into four parts: introduction, This paper mainly analyzes the reason and significance of this paper, and reviews the academic research results of the Song Dynasty imperial examination, Jin Shi and Song Dynasty Zhejiang imperial examination and Jin Shi group, and clarifies the research contents and writing ideas of this paper. The second part is the analysis of the general situation of Zhejiang jinshi in Song Dynasty. Firstly, the author evaluates the total number of Jin Shi in Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty respectively. In order to clarify the general trend of the development of Zhejiang Jin Scholars in the two Song dynasties; secondly, to sort out and summarize the regional distribution of Zhejiang Jin Scholars in the Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties, and to go deep into the county level; finally, on the basis of statistical data, From the horizontal time and vertical space to carry out a comparative study, and put Zhejiang into a nationwide comparison with other areas of the same period of the imperial examination and the situation of scholars, The third part is the characteristics of Zhejiang scholars in Song Dynasty. In this paper, the author concludes that there are three main characteristics in the process of the emergence of Zhejiang jinshi in the two Song dynasties: the formation of Jinshi center county intensifies the imbalance of the geographical distribution of Jinshi in Zhejiang, and the existence of Jinshi families in various places has a great influence on the local imperial examinations. Almost monopolized the imperial examination; during the Song Dynasty, Zhejiang emerged with great talent, including political elites, literary and artistic leaders, and academic masters. The 4th part is to analyze the reasons of the emergence of Zhejiang scholars and the prosperity of imperial examinations from five aspects: population, economy, local culture and education, eastern Zhejiang school, social fashion; The southward shift of the political center. The prosperity of the Imperial examination of Zhejiang in the Song Dynasty was the result of the joint action of many factors. Through the study of the Jin Shi and the Imperial examination of Zhejiang in the Song Dynasty, we can not only help us to have a deeper understanding of the regional culture of Zhejiang in the Song Dynasty, At the same time, it can also provide an important reference for the establishment of cultural and educational undertakings.
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