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发布时间:2018-04-25 03:21

  本文选题:鬼谷子 + 真伪 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2004年博士论文

【摘要】: 本文共约19万字,分9章对《鬼谷子》进行研究,其中主要涉及《鬼谷子》的真伪问题、作者问题、成书问题,以及其中蕴涵的文学理论及其在先秦文学史上的地位等4个大的问题。主要结论及其证据如下: 关于真伪问题,从第一章至第五章,分别从《鬼谷子》不伪的文献学考察、与出土文献及传世文献作比较、先秦思想史、语言发展史等五个方面,对真伪问题进行全面分析论证。在第一章,笔者主要从文献学的角度论述《鬼谷子》不是伪书。从唐代柳宗元开始对《鬼谷子》的真伪问题提出怀疑,此后历代学者一直争论不休。直到近代,随着疑古风气的盛行,其为伪书基本已成定论。笔者对伪书说的证据进行一一分析,认为其结论均不能成立。关于《鬼谷子》与《苏子》的关系,有人认为《鬼谷子》是《苏子》一部分,故为伪书,反对者则认为《鬼谷子》是《苏子》一部分恰证明其为先秦旧作,不是伪书。经过研究,笔者发现,《鬼谷子》曾误名为《苏秦书》,又因此而被误为《苏子》。《鬼谷子》根本不是《苏子》的一部分。又以汉人的记载为依据,论定《鬼谷子》不是伪书。 除了文献学上的证据之外,笔者把《鬼谷子》与马王堆帛书《经法》、《战国纵横家书》、郭店楚简《语丛四》、阜阳汉简等内容相同部分进行比较,得出《鬼谷子》早于帛书和竹简的结论;再把《鬼谷子》与传世文献《邓析子》、《管子》、《战国策》等内容相同部分进行比较,从语言发展的角度看,同样得出《鬼谷子》的内容要早于这些传世文献。通过这样的对比,得出《鬼谷子》应是战国中期作品的结论。 根据学术发展由简单到复杂,呈现逐步叠加的趋势,本文从先秦时期代表性的著作《诗经》、《论语》、《老子》、《周易》、《墨子》、《庄子》、《孟子》、《荀子》、《韩非子》、《吕氏春秋》等著作中筛选出“阴阳五行思想”、“认识论的发展”、“因的理论发展”、“圣人认识的发展”等这一时期一些主要理论的发展线索,归纳这些理论的发展环节,然后分析《鬼谷子》中这些思想的实际内容,找出《鬼谷子》在先秦思想发展史上的对应环节,以确定《鬼谷子》的真伪。同时辅以德国哲学家雅斯贝尔斯的世界文明“轴心期”的理论,选择出战国时期理论上的几个热点,看《鬼谷子》是否参与了这些热点的讨论。根据这一思路来检索《鬼谷子》,发现其确实参与了这一时期部分学术热点的讨论,并发表了很好的见解,由此推断《鬼谷子》确实是产生于战国中期的著作。 判断某部著作是否是伪书,,从语言学的角度,尤其是音韵学的角度来研究是一个很科学的方法.本文以曾运乾《音韵学讲义》的理论为基础,结合罗常培、周祖谟合著的《汉魏晋南北朝韵部演变研究》中关于“周秦音”与“两汉音”韵部分合的观点,在参照江有诰《先秦韵读·鬼谷子韵读》、姚文田《古音谐》的基础上系统整理《鬼谷子》的用韵情况,得出全书共有76处用韵。其中鱼侯分立、真元分立、脂微分立、质物分立、歌支分立、幽宵分立的现象说明,《鬼谷子》的产生年代下限不可能晚至西汉时期,又从其中“冬”部已从“侵”部分化出来,判断其产生年限的上限不早于《诗经》。 关于作者问题。从用韵特点看,《鬼谷子》的第一部分《捭阖》等六篇、《符言》篇、《本经阴符》的用韵相一致,其作者应为鬼谷子本人;《揣》等五篇的很少用韵,且用韵特点与《捭阖》等不一致,其作者当为鬼谷先生的弟子中纵横家一派;《持枢》、《中经》均不见用韵,其作者可能是鬼谷先生的门人或后学。鬼 谷先生,真实姓名不详,生平年代大约为前400至前320年左右,他早年可能曾 传授孙膜、庞涓兵法,后入齐国,做过齐翟下先生,并在齐地传授苏秦、张仪纵 横裨阖之学,晚年隐居于鬼谷著述,并教尉缭兵法。其得名是因为曾居住过鬼谷 这个地方,而被人们称为鬼谷先生。后世有人称其王栩、王禅、刘务滋等均不可 靠。鬼谷之地在今河南登封县境内,其得名主要是因为殷商时期的鬼方曾居住于 此。 关于成书问题。根据今本《鬼谷子》的残缺情况,可以把其分为三组,通过 分析这三组作品发现,每组的第一小组作品均不残,后面的一组则残缺或遗佚, 结合音韵规律,得出这三组作品不是一人所作,而是鬼谷先生的三个不同派别的 学生把老师鬼谷先生的作品放在前,把自己的述作放在后而形成的。《裨阖》等 六篇为鬼谷先生作,《揣》等五篇是其弟子中纵横家一派所作,其纵横家弟子作 了编辑工作。这次的编辑,形成今本《鬼谷子》的一个源头;《符言》为鬼谷先 生所作,《转丸》等两篇已遗失的作品,当为其弟子中道家一派所作,他们把鬼 谷先生的作品放在前,把自己的述作放在后,形成今本《鬼谷子》的另一个源头; 《本经阴符七术》为鬼谷先生作,《持枢》等为其弟子中其他学派中的人所作, 这些弟子或门人把鬼谷先生的作品与自己的述作放在一起,形成今本的第三个源 头。前两个源头被刘向整理编辑成一个本子,这是《鬼谷子》的第一次成书;第 三部分在西晋之前也被编入《鬼谷子》中,从而形成《鬼谷子》三卷本,这是《鬼 谷子》第二次成书。《鬼谷子》成书后,先后有皇甫谧、陶宏景、乐壹?
[Abstract]:In this paper, there are about 19 thousand words and 9 chapters to study the "ghost millet", which mainly involves the authenticity of the "ghost millet", the author's question, the book problem, the literary theory contained in it and its status in the literary history of the pre-Qin period, and other 4 major problems. The main conclusions and the evidence are as follows:
From the first chapter to the fifth chapter, from the first chapter to the fifth chapter, respectively from the literature study of "ghost millet >", the comparison with the unearthed literature and the literature of the world, the history of the pre Qin thought and the history of language development, the author makes a comprehensive analysis and demonstration of the true and false problems. In the first chapter, the author mainly discusses from the angle of philology that "ghost millet > is not a false book. From Tang Dynasty" Liu Zongyuan began to doubt the true and false of "ghosts". Since then, the scholars have been arguing all the time. Until modern times, with the popularity of the doubt, the perjury is basically a conclusion. The author analyses the evidence of the false book and thinks that all the conclusions can not be established. Ghost millet > is a part of the Soviet son, so it is a false book, and the opponents think that the "ghost millet > is a part of the Soviet Zi" is not a false book. After research, the author found that the "ghost millet >" was mistaken as < Su Qin book >, and therefore was mistaken for "Su Zi >." "ghost millet >" is not a part of the "Soviet Zi >". It is not a false book to determine that "ghost millet" is not a false book.
In addition to the documentary evidence, the author compares the contents of "ghosts millet > the silk book of Mawangdui", "the Warring States", "the Warring States", the four > the Fuyang bamboo slips in the same part, and draws the conclusion that "the ghost millet > earlier than the silk book and the bamboo slips"; and then the contents of the "ghost millet >" and the bibliography < Deng >, < Guan Zi >, "gustate policy >") Compared with the same part, from the point of view of language development, the content of the "ghost millet" is earlier than the literature of these generations. Through this comparison, it is concluded that the "ghost millet" should be the conclusion of the works in the middle of the Warring States period.
According to the trend of academic development from simple to complex and gradually superimposed, this article from the representative works of the pre Qin period: the Book of Songs >, the Analects of Confucius, < Lao Zi >, < Zhou Yi >, < Mo-tse >, < Chuang-tzu >, < Mencius >, < Xunzi >, < Han Fei Zi >, < Lu's spring and autumn > and so on. "The development of the five lines of the Yin and Yang", "the development of epistemology", "the development of the theory", The development of some of the main theories in this period, such as "the development of the saints' cognition", summarized the development links of these theories, then analyzed the actual contents of these ideas in the "ghost millet >" and found out the corresponding links in the history of the thought development in the pre Qin period, in order to determine the authenticity of the "ghost millet >" and the German philosopher Jaspers. The theory of the "axis period" of the world civilization chooses several hot spots in the period of the Warring States period to see whether or not the "ghost millet" has participated in the discussion of these hot spots. A Book produced in the middle of the Warring States period.
It is a scientific method to judge whether a book is a false book, from the linguistic point of view, especially in the perspective of phonology. This article is based on the theory of "the speech of phonology", which combines Luo Changpei and Zhou Zumo's "study of the evolution of the rhyme of the northern and Southern Dynasties in the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties" and the rhyme of "Zhou Qin Yin" and "Han Yin". The point of view is to make a systematic arrangement of the rhyme of "ghost millet" on the basis of Jiang Yu Gao, "the first Qin rhyme reading" and "the ancient phonology" and "ancient phonology". It is concluded that there are 76 rhymes in the whole book. In the whole book, there are 76 rhymes in the whole book. It may be late to the Western Han Dynasty, and from the "winter" part of the "invasion" part of the judgment, the age limit of its production is not earlier than "Book of Songs >.
In terms of the author's question. From the features of the rhyme, the first part of the ghost Valley, the first part of the ghost Valley, and other six articles, and the same rhyme of the book of Yin, the author should be the ghost millet himself; the author is the one of the disciples of the ghost Valley, and the author is a disciple of the ghost valley. There is no rhyme in the passage. The author may be the disciple or the later school.
Mr. Gu, whose real name is unknown, was about 400 to 320 years ago.
To teach Sun Mo, Pang Juan's art of war, to go to the Qi State, to do Mr. Qi Zhai, and to teach Su Qin and Zhang Yizong together.
In the later years, he lived in the valley of the ghost and wrote the martial arts.
This place is known as "ghost Valley". Later generations call it Wang Xu, Wang Chan, Liu Zi Zi and so on.
The land of ghost Valley is located in Dengfeng County of Henan today. Its name is mainly because the ghost party lived in the Shang Dynasty.
This is the case.
According to the incomplete condition of the present gugui Zi, it can be divided into three groups.
Analysis of these three groups found that the first group of each group was not disabled, and the latter group was incomplete or missing.
Combined with the laws of phonology, it is concluded that these three groups of works are not made by one person, but by three different factions of Mr. Gu Gu.
Students put their works in front of their teacher's works.
The six is the work of Mr. Gu Gu, and five of his disciples.
The editor is the source of this book.
Two works that have been lost, such as "Sheng Bao" and so on, are made by the Taoist family of their disciples.
Mr. Gu's works are placed before him, and his own works are put into a later source, forming another source of this book.
This book is written by Mr. Gu Gu, and is written by people in other schools of his disciples, seven.
These disciples or gatekeepers put together the works of Mr. Gu Gu and his own works to form the third sources of this book.
The first two sources were compiled into a book by Liu.
The three part was also compiled into "guguzi" before the Western Jin Dynasty, thus forming "ghost millet" > three volumes.
Millet > second books. "Gugui Zi" after the book, Huangfu Mi, Tao Hongjing, Le Yi successively?



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